Chapter 1

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Author's Note: Welcome to my first fanfiction! This story is an OC/Draco Malfoy pairing with appearances by many of our beloved Harry Potter characters. I cast Zendaya as Bellarose and the usual movie cast from HP to star as their characters. Also I do want to add a disclaimer there is parts where eating disorders come up and I don't want any of my readers who start reading this to be triggered, so I wanted to put that information here, for them to be prepared at least before reading. 

P.S. All characters [except my OC's and the plot] are owed to JK Rowling.


Draco and his friends stood outside of the theatre losing patience with their Italian housemate who was, as usual, running late.

"My dear friends, here are your tickets," Blaise smiled approaching the others ignoring their irritated looks.

"Honestly Blaise, you invite us out to this ballet that none of us care for and then you are LATE to your own event," Pansy said irritably taking her ticket from him.

"I had some last-minute arrangements to make. We'll be sitting in a private balcony instead of the first few rows instead. I didn't want us to be a distraction," Blaise said smiling and turning towards his best mates handing them their tickets.

"Distraction? You mean my charms and dashing good looks could cause a ruckus?" Theo joked nudging Blaise with his shoulder.

"I'm sure Blaise means having the three wealthiest bachelors in Britain all sitting together and out in public might cause the women to lose their focus while performing," Draco smirked as Blaise chuckled at the egos his friends had.

"Come on, it'll be starting soon," Blaise shook his head holding out his arm to Daphne Greengass being raised a gentleman, as the others, it was second nature to escort a woman. Theo did the same to Pansy as well as Draco to Astoria.

The group of Slytherins all walked into the theatre immediately taking in their glamorous surroundings. They noticed that the crowd was a mix of muggle and wizards alike. Although there were several charms around the wizards and witches in the crowd to not be as noticeable to the muggles. Blaise led the group to golden stairs that led to the upper level where the balcony seats were. They walked into their private balcony space looking towards the stage from the right side. They saw that the theatre was near capacity with people still piling in.

"I take it this ballet company is well-known?" Daphne asked sitting next to Blaise.

"World renowned and damn near impossible to get tickets to, their prima ballerina is wanted by no less than 10 companies," he said excitedly turning towards the stage.

"It sounds like you're smitten Blaise. I thought I'd never see the day you were taken with a witch," Draco chuckled.

"It's not like that," Blaise mumbled straightening in his seat as the lights were lowered.

"What do you think it IS like?" Theo whispered in Draco's ear. Draco shrugged not completely understanding his mate, but knowing he'd find out later after the ballet.

The music began and the entire group was completely enthralled with the ballet. The show began with a showing of a family all dressed in black showcasing their strengths with swords and causing mischief. The focus from the family of black was a man with dark brown hair and fit physique. He was wearing black tights and a black loose shirt laughing with his fellow members. The lights then cut over to a family in white drinking and dancing merrily about. The women and men smiled at one another dancing to a soft beautiful tune playing from the orchestra when suddenly the group split letting a beautiful woman in a tea length white skirt emerge. She danced with the group, but it was obvious she was the focus for the white family. She was absolutely striking with her tan skin and beautiful smile.

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