Chapter 2

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They all walked into the fancy French restaurant causing everyone to turn and begin whispering about the group who was Britain's wizarding elite and a famous ballerina.

"Miss Zabini," the hostess looked wide-eyed at her and then regained her composure. "I'm such a huge fan of your work, I saw you perform the Nutcracker in Germany and it was brilliant. Would you like a private section for you and your party?"

"Yes please, that would be preferred. If you'd like I could get you tickets to our new show when it starts up again in a few months?"

"I would... I would love that," she gasped then fretted about quickly leading the group to a section the was in front of charmed windows in a back section where they could see out but no one could see in.

"Have a good evening Charlotte," Bella said having glanced at her name tag then patted the girl on her hand as she left blushing and smiling widely.

"You nearly killed her," Blaise stated looking over the menu.

"She was sweet," Bella smiled setting her menu down knowing her brother would order for her as they always did when they were out.

"So, tell us Bella, what's it like to be a famous ballerina?" Astoria asked looking over the menu before setting it down gently on her plate.

"It's a lot of work and straining on your body, but I'd never trade it for anything in the world. I've been doing this practically since I could walk, so I take great pride in my work and how far I've come. Plus, traveling the world is always a perk," Bella smiled.

"Are you really taking a break?" Blaise asked looking at his sister seriously.

"Yes, stop smothering me. I know I need one, so I'm finally taking one," she murmured looking down at her hands when their waiter appeared. He smiled at Bella with a lustful look in his eye.

"Miss Zabini and party, would you like to begin the evening with a bottle of wine?" William asked. Bella smiled oblivious to the tension the men at the table had as they all saw how the waiter ogled her.

"Yes, that would be lovely William," she smiled then turned back to the group. The waiter sauntered off as the men at the table each made eye contact and made a small nearly unnoticeable nod at one another.

"Now, tell me about Hogwarts. I would have loved to have gone and Blaise can only explain so much!" Bella said giddy to hear about the school she never had a chance to attend.

"We all were probably not the best group, but we knew how to have fun," Theo chuckled.

"And not get caught having fun," Draco added.

"We Slytherins were winners of the house cup back and forth with those pesky Gryffindors, but alas can't win them all," Pansy smiled.

"Quidditch was exasperating with the boys constant chatter and unbearable competitive nature with the other houses," Daphne laughed.

"Also green is no longer a favorite color of mine," Astoria grimaced causing the others to laugh. William appeared again carrying an expensive bottle pouring it into each of the glasses set on the table brushing close to Bella as he poured her glass.

"Are you ready to order Miss Zabini?" William asked keeping his eyes on her. Bella shifted uncomfortable at his proximity.

"She will be having Coq au Vin and I will be having the beef bourguignon," Blaise said placing his arm around the back of Bella's chair. William backed up smirking then wrote down everyone's order before walking back to give the chef their orders.

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