Chapter 14

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Several weeks went by with both Blaise and Draco constantly visiting Bella and Eltanin to spend time together. Draco was undeniably in love with both Eltanin and Bella. He knew then that he could never let either of them go after being able to be with them. Eltanin surprised both Blaise and him with how intelligent and witty he was. Hermione would constantly tutor him and answer every single question his little mind would come up with which amused Draco and the other Slytherins to no end.

Draco had also begun researching his marriage contract to Astoria after discovering the drawer she had warded to hide the letters Bella had sent him. He was going to divorce her and not let her receive a single sickle from him or his family. Draco was livid beyond comprehension and owled Blaise soon after to let him know what he discovered.

One afternoon after leaving Bella and Eltanin, Draco portkeyed to his family home with the letters in hand to reveal to his parents what has been occurring and what he planned to do with this new information.

"Master Draco!" Tippy, his personal house elf greeted Draco as he walked in the door.

"Tippy, where are my mother and father?" Draco asked. He hadn't been able to rid himself of the large smile he gained from being around his son and Bella.

"They're in the study, sir! Would you be liking anything to eat or drink?" Tippy asked.

"I'll be alright, thanks Tippy," he smiled genuinely and made his way quickly to the study. He took a moment to compose himself before invading his parent's peace.

"Mother, father, come to the couch for a moment I have something I need to share with you," Draco called sitting in one of the plush armchairs facing the couch.

"What is it my dragon?" Narcissa smiled sitting next to Lucius who joined his wife and son.

"It's very important you listen till the end of what I'm about to tell you," Draco spoke seriously worried about his parent's reactions.

"Well, go on son," Lucius said straightening in his seat.

"I just recently found out I have a son, he's five and he's the most amazing little boy. His name is Eltanin. I wanted you to know you had a grandson," Draco spoke smiling as he thought of Eltanin and how brilliant he is.

"WHAT!" Lucius bellowed.

"What do you mean he's five? Why didn't we know about him sooner??? Who is his mother!?" Narcissa scrambled to compile her thoughts that were running amuck.

"Bella Zabini, she's his mother. She had tried to let me know for months about her pregnancy, but unfortunately my lovely wife hid them from me," Draco spat handing over the letters to his mother and father both who poured over them taking in each word the heartbroken girl had written him. She had begged to see him to tell him something of importance then to reveal she was pregnant with a boy that she wanted him to meet, if only once.

"That poor girl," Narcissa sniffled dabbing under her eyes with a handkerchief.

"How dare that Greengrass do this to us! She knew this entire time?" Lucius said angrily reading about his only grandson being kept away from them.

"Yes, I found them in a drawer next to our bed. I want you both to know I have every intention of divorcing that vile woman. My son barely knows me, and I cannot stand to be in the presence of the woman that kept my son from me," Draco stated seriously.

"Of course, we will support and help you in every way," Narcissa stated sternly. "Can we meet him?"

"I'll have to discuss it with Bella, she's very protective of our son. She's the loveliest mother with him and he's absolutely brilliant," Draco smiled at his parents who were watching him carefully.

"You still love her," Lucius spoke slowly realizing how happy his son truly was now that he had been reunited with his son and Bella

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"You still love her," Lucius spoke slowly realizing how happy his son truly was now that he had been reunited with his son and Bella.

"I've never stopped," Draco spoke honestly.

"Does she love you?" Narcissa asked curious.

"I hurt her far too much for her to just be with me after everything especially being under the impression that I didn't want her or our son. Astoria wrote a letter to Bella telling her I was to be married to the love of my life and that I would never claim that bastard child as my son," Draco seethed angrily thinking of the letter Bella had showed him and Blaise when they asked a week ago.

"Draco?" Blaise called having flooed over to Malfoy Manor.

"In here Blaise," Draco called meeting his mate at the door. "I've just told mother and father about Bella and Eltanin. Do you think she'd allow them to meet him?"

"Well, I think you'd better floo-call her now and see if she could do it tonight I know they don't have any plans," Blaise smirked at how eager Draco was to be around Bella and Eltanin again.

"Alright," he went to the grate and quickly started speaking into it. "Bella?"

"Draco? Did you forget something?" Bella said sitting on the floor next to the fireplace.

"No, I was hoping my parents could meet Eltanin and spend time with him. I just told them today and they're dying to meet him and spend time with you," Draco spoke sincerely.

"I don't know... Eltanin!" She called out wanting to know if he felt comfortable meeting his actual grandparents for the first time.

"Yes mama?" Eltanin came up sitting in her lap then jumped seeing Draco's face in the fire. "Why is Papa floo-calling?"

"Papa wants to know if you'd like to meet your grandparents," Bella smiled at Eltanin calling Draco his papa. It warmed her heart to see the little boy bond with him and her brother so well especially after the many years where it was only herself and Hermione constantly with Eltanin.

"Like my other Nana and Nonno?" He questioned looking intently at Bella.

"Yes my love," she brushed his curls back seeing that they were once again growing long.

"I'd very much like that! When can I meet them?" Eltanin leaned back against his mother playing with her curls.

"Would tonight be too soon?" Draco asked Bella looking at her to gauge her reaction.

"That sounds perfectly fine. I'll have Daisy arrange a nice Italian dinner," Bella smiled standing up.

"Thank you, we'll all pop over in an hour. Is that sufficient enough time?" Draco asked.

"Yes, that'll be just fine," she smiled once more before Draco disappeared into the flames.

"Mama, are you nervous?" Eltanin frowned.

"Terrified, but we must always face our fears so that they will never get the best of us," Bella smile ruffling his curls once more then set off to the kitchen praying to Merlin tonight went well.

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