Chapter 16

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"You and I are divorcing Astoria," Draco stated angrily. Blaise watched with a mask of cold indifference at the exchange internally battling with the want of throttling this woman who ruined his family.

"A divorce! HA! I'll never agree to that. You think just because that little homewrecker and her bastard are coming around that I'll just roll over and oblige?" Astoria spats.

"You knew I had a son! Our betrothal contract had an heir clause that specifically stated we were to have an heir and if one were to be produced before the marriage that our marriage would be null and therefore I can divorce you. And you speak another word against my son or Bella, I will guarantee I am not the only one who would be glad to rid the world of you," Draco smirked as his soon to be ex-wife yelled.

"You'll regret this Draco Lucius Malfoy, I guarantee it," she screeched signing the document quickly then flooing back to her family's estate.


"Mama, the beach sounds like fun," Eltanin shouted jumping onto his mother's lap who was reading a book peacefully until her energetic son decided to disrupt her.

"The beach? This from my little star who didn't want to learn to swim till a few weeks ago?" Bella laughed kissing her son on the cheek as he growled.

"I wanted to decide to swim on my own time Mama, when I was ready," he pouted folding his arms leaning back on his mother who wrapped him in her arms.

"Well, I'm glad you're good and ready now because we have a beach to go to!" Bella smiled setting her son on the ground then stood stretching out her long limbs.

"We can go!?" He smiled happy to get his way. He looked up at his mother who couldn't help but smile back.

"Well, we'll have Daisy pack us a picnic and enjoy a little family day, what do you say to that?" Bella asked brushing her hand through Eltanin's curls.

"Sounds perfect to me," Draco called from the doorway where he had just entered.

"Papa!" Eltanin giggled running to his father who embraced him and hoisted him up into his arms. Bella leaned against the couch watching her son and Draco interact which always warmed her heart. "How are you today Eltanin?"

"Absolutely excellent, Mama and I are going to the beach and we're going to have a picnic!" Eltanin smiled brightly holding onto his father who made his way over to his mother.

"Well that does sound absolutely excellent," Draco chuckled who kissed Bella on the cheek and wrapped his free arm around her waist pulling her close. She bashfully smiled at his affection then turned her attention to Eltanin.

"Mama, does this mean I'm going to get a sibling?" Eltanin asked innocently causing Bella to stiffen.

"Does what?" she questions in shock. Draco didn't want to even breathe now not wanting to upset the delicate balance between his little family and himself.

"Does you and Papa being in love mean I get to have a new baby brother or sister?" he questions looking from his mother to his father who just smiled tensely then kissed his cheek.

Bella blushed avoiding Draco's eye contact, "well if Papa can handle it, I'd love a whole quidditch team of children."

Draco barked out a laugh pulling Bella closer and kissing her full on the lips, much to Eltanin's disgruntled noises. He pulled away and looked her in a way to prove how sincere his statement was, "I'd love a whole quidditch team with you my Rose."

"And I you my Dragon," she smiled kissing him once more before she disentangled herself from his hold. "Come Eltanin we must get ready for our beach day."

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