Chapter 18

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"The wards will have alerted Astoria to our presence, but I'll apparate to get the others," Daphne spoke quickly as the three of them walked up the path to the large white estate surrounded by greenery.

"If you betray us, I'll make sure you remember the name Zabini," Bella hissed walking quickly beside Daphne. Daphne nodded then apparated away.

"Let's just get our son Bella," Draco quickly ushered her towards the looming house. If it had been any other moment, Bella would have taken a glance at the large estate and loved the old beautiful architecture. However, she was mother on the hunt for her child and nothing would hold her back from finding him.

"Mommy!" Bella heard a small voice call out to her as they walked through the hallways. Bella's breath hitched in her throat and she quickly hurried towards the sound, but Draco held her back causing her to turn on him quickly.

"Draco!" she whispered angrily.

"We have to be careful with how we do this. She could kill him on a moment's notice if we aren't," Draco spoke seriously wanting to drag some sense into his witch before she walked into a dangerous situation wands blazing.

"Draco so help me," Bella whispered stepping up to him.

"Look, you walk in and I'll use a notice me not spell to sneak in behind you that way I can make it to where Astoria is to get Eltanin. You need to distract her for as long as it takes till I have Eltanin in my arms," Draco spoke hurriedly not wanting to waste any more precious time.

"Fine, I love you my dragon," she whispered before kissing him harshly.

"And I love you my rose," he whispered against her lips then let her go as she approached the double doors leading into a ballroom.

"Ah, Bellarose Zabini, homewrecking whore extraordinaire," Astoria sneered as Bella walked in slowly. She took in the sight of Astoria lounging gracefully on a velvet plush chaise with Eltanin bound and crying on the floor in front of her.

"Astoria, give me my son," Bella said coldly trying to reign in her fury that was threatening to overtake her senses.

"Oh, this bastard child that ruined my marriage and my future? No, I don't think I will," Astoria spoke calmly shaking her head with a devious grin on her face.

"He did nothing to you. I didn't even contact Blaise or Draco after Eltanin was born!" Bella spoke trying to distract as much as possible not knowing how close Draco was to Eltanin.

"It didn't even matter that I was the perfect wife never complaining or wanting more than what my husband could provide. No! I was always going to be second best to Bellarose Zabini! I will not have you ruining my life any longer. I thought hiding those letters would be enough, but you just had to show up at the wedding with this little brat in tow," Astoria ranted.

"I thought he knew about him! I really wanted nothing to do with Draco. Eltanin and I were happy without him. I will stop seeing Draco and you can have your husband back. I just want my son," Bella pleaded hoping that Draco didn't take anything she said to heart.

"Ha, I saw the way you looked at each other. I'm not an imbecile. I know you're in love with one another, but that doesn't mean he can't love me too. I just have to get rid of you and this bastard child. Draco will see reason, he has too. After all, I'm his wife," Astoria rambled sounding crazier with each passing second.

"I will go away. I'll move to another country and never be heard from again," Bella bargained seeing the ropes on Eltanin begin to loosen.

"I intend to never hear your name spoken again," Astoria smirked then leveled her wand at Bella when she was suddenly pitched backwards with a spell causing her to bounce against the column on the other side of the ballroom. Bella turned behind her and saw Harry and the others had all had their wands pointed in Astoria's direction.

"Mama!" Eltanin yelled then jumped up running to Bella who quickly took him into her arms. She began crying lowering them both to the floor.

"Oh, my sweet boy! My baby, I am so sorry my little star. I swear I will never let anything like this happen again. It's okay, mama is here now," Bella soothed her soon kissing him repeatedly and rubbing his back as he sobbed. Bella then felt a pair of arms come around the two of them and looked to her right seeing Draco smile genuinely at her. He quickly pecked her lips then placed his forehead against hers.

"I will never live another day without you two," Draco whispered.

"You'll never have to," Bella said gazing into Draco's eyes as he kissed her once more. 

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