Chapter 10

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Blaise's wedding day came so quickly that when Hermione walked in on Bella hyperventilating she didn't even question her before rubbing her back telling her to breathe.

"Draco... is...going...he's going to be there..." Bella huffed out trying to breathe air into her lungs before her son came and saw his mother panicking.

"Yes, and he will see you and Eltanin. You will hold your head up high and not pay him any attention. He's the one who missed out, not you. Don't you dare for a second think less of yourself for his stupidity," Hermione admonished feeling the tension leave her best friend.

"Thank... thank you. I just got so scared thinking of the looks everyone is going to have when we come in, because Eltanin looks like me but he definitely has his father's features," Bella shook her head then straightened up wanting to finish getting ready. "Do you want me to do your hair?" Bella asked knowing her best friend was just as jittery at the thought of seeing Theo after so long.

"That would be nice, yes thank you," Hermione smiled applying lipstick to her lips. Hermione had chosen to wear a floral chiffon tea length gown with white lace cap sleeves and nude heels she borrowed from Bella. Bella charmed her hair into a chignon up do with a few curls escaping around her face.

"Mama! Mama, I can't do my stupid bow tie!" exclaimed Eltanin in a near fit trying to tie it. Bella laughed walking out of the bathroom still in her silk robe walking up to her son. She knelt in front of him tying his emerald green bowtie for him and then straightening him up. Eltanin had chosen to match his mother wearing a black muggle suit with a white button-up and black dress shoes. He had gotten his hair cut the day before having the sides cut short and the top shortened so he could still have a few curls.

"Mama, why aren't you ready!?" Eltanin worriedly asked seeing his mother still in a robe with only her hair done.

"I had to make sure my favorite people were presentable before I got a chance to finish getting ready," she smiled before getting up and walking into her closet. She slipped into a black long sleeve shirt with an emerald knee length tulle skirt. Bella then put on her black stilettos and made sure to check her appearance in the floor length mirror. She had charmed her hair into soft waves cascading down her back with hardly any make-up except for a touch of nude lipstick and eyeliner. She didn't want to appear as if she was trying too hard even though she knew she was trying with all her damn might.

"You look beautiful Mama," Eltanin smiled watching his mother walk out from her closet. She beamed at him then held out her hand for him.

"Wow, you definitely can wear Slytherin colors," Hermione laughed intertwining their arms as they all walked to the study. Blaise had sent a portkey for them to take to the wedding location and so they all waited none of them saying anything just off in their own world.

"Little star, if you for any reason feel uncomfortable or want to leave you just tell me or Mione mouse okay?" She squatted down in front of him. She knew that while no one would physically harm her son, she just didn't want to take the chance of him being emotionally hurt.

"Okay mama, I really don't want to stay long anyways. This outfit is too stuffy," Eltanin said adjusting his bowtie. Bella and Hermione laughed then intertwined their arms to be able to hold onto Eltanin with each hand when the portkey activated taking them to the wedding.


"Bellarose, wow it's been years!"

"Who is that little boy?"

"Where do you think they've been?"

Bella and Hermione soon tuned out to all the whispers and stares as they took their seats at the back of the groom's side. Bella noticed it was all business associates rather than any family. She also noticed Eltanin seemed nervous so she held onto his hand while he sat in between herself and Hermione.

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