Chapter 4

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"Mistress Bella, would you be liking lunch now? You're too thin, Daisy will make sure her mistress is well fed!" the little house elf said pulling Bella straight towards the dining room. "Now, you eat Mistress Bella I want that plate clean."

"Ugh, you'd think I was a child again," she said laughing then sitting in her seat next to Blaise's. The group all sat down and ate together discussing the game and this coming weekend.

"So, best friends with Hermione Granger? I didn't know you knew her," Blaise asked Bella feeling hurt that his sister hid something from him.

"She and her parents have been coming to my shows since I started ballet. They love ballet and Hermione liked that I was different than the other ballerinas. I wasn't blonde hair, blue eyed and pale skin so she was drawn to me I guess. Anyways they began inviting me to dinners after each show and so I became friends with her and her parents. They're lovely people," Bella shrugged eating her salad.

"So, you two are best friends, I'm assuming that means we need to get along with the whole lot of Gryffindors then?" Draco asks smirking at her. She took a drink of her wine then lifted an eyebrow at him.

"Is that a problem?"

"Not at all," Pansy smiled at her. "Although Weasel is going to be a pain in the arse."

"Well, Red will keep things interesting," Blaise mused.

"Neville is sweet," Daphne included.

"Are Weasel and Hermione still together?" Theo asked Bella.

"Gross, no. I put a stop to that quickly," she shook her head sipping her wine. The whole table waited in silence.

"Seriously, Bella give us a little bit more than that," Pansy asked clearly living up to her gossip reputation.

"Well, obviously, she only thought she liked the idea of him rather than being attracted to him. She kept me regularly updated while she was in school so I know all about how he treated her which I wouldn't have let her date that tosser anyways," Bella huffed clearly agitated. "He's better now anyways realizing they are best friends and only friends."

"You would have been a lovely Slytherin," Theo said kissing her hand. Bella laughed and pulled her hand away.

"Mistress Bella why have you not eaten your whole plate?" Daisy demanded. The table laughed knowing how persistent a house elf can be once they set their minds to something.

"Daisy I don't eat much anymore," Bella muttered.

"Sorella, you probably should," Blaise said looking at her plate knowing she only took a few bites.

"My appetite is different, you know that," Bella pleaded with him begging him to drop it.

"Movie?" he asked. She nodded enthusiastically. "Would all care to join us? My sister made me install a muggle entertainment room for her. I'm going to assume that's due to Granger's interference. It all makes sense now," he laughed shaking his head.

"You enjoy it just as much as I do! Especially all of the action films!" Bella interjected.

"I'm going to head home, I have tea this afternoon with Mrs. Malfoy and my mother," Daphne said standing.

"I'm meeting with Milly in Diagon Alley, sorry" Pansy said walking out with Daphne.

"And what about you boys?" Bella asked standing to go change.

"I'm intrigued, so I'll stay. Not much else for me to do anyways," Theo laughed walking to the entertainment room with Blaise.

"I have a few business engagements to take care of, sorry love," Draco smiles then escorts her out. He walks her up the stairs to her bedroom. He stopped outside of her door turning towards her. Bella turned to him then quickly stood on her toes and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you for coming today Draco, I had a lovely time," she smiled shyly blushing.

"I'll be by tomorrow to talk to Blaise and then we can go on that date tomorrow evening," he smirked then tucked a strand of her long hair behind her ear. He reached down to her right hand bringing his lips down to kiss it. Bella's stomach fluttered at the contact.

"Who says I'll say yes Mr. Malfoy?" she winked at him then turned and entered her room smiling as she shut it. Bella leaned against the door smiling to herself bringing her hand he kissed up to her chest and holding it close.

"Comfy clothes, change, okay stop being a fool," Bella shook her head trying to clear her head. She decided on yoga pants and one of Blaise's old Quidditch jerseys. She pulled her hair up into a messy bun and headed downstairs.

"Daisy would you mind bringing some sweets, popcorn and drinks to the entertainment room?" Bella asked.

"Anything for Mistress Bella," the house elf nodded happily then popped back into the kitchen.

"She's not eating much," Blaise's voice came from the open door of the entertainment room. Bella paused in the hallway listening.

"Mate she diets like all ballerinas, she just needs time to adjust," Theo reasoned although in his thoughts he had already concluded Bella had issues eating properly.

"It's not a diet," Blaise muttered shaking his head.

"I've asked Daisy to bring us snacks and drinks," Bella said finally finding the strength to walk in. She knew that she had issues eating, but she hated acknowledging it.

"Oh good, did you ask for popcorn?" Blaise said watching her.

"Duh, Daisy makes the best popcorn. Have you decided on a movie?" She asked taking a seat next to Blaise bringing a blanket to lay on her. Tucking her toes under his thigh she leaned on him placing her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, Avengers," he smiled turning on the projector that played the movie across the expanse of the large wall. He leaned back placing his arm around his sister and Theo relaxed next to him.

The rest of the day passed with movies and lots of popcorn along with butterbeer and firewhisky for the boys. Soon Bella was asleep during the fifth movie they had on. After the movie ended, Theo went home and Blaise carried Bella up to her room tucking her into her bed. He kissed her forehead and dimmed the lights before walking to his room.

Blaise opened his door and was met with a surprise of his own.

"I was wondering when you'd come to bed.

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