Chapter 11

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Draco slowly walked into the room and shut the door seeing Bella take a step back.

"Bellarose, I just wanted to..." Draco started but was interrupted by Blaise.

"Does Draco know?" Blaise asked angrily turning his sister to face him.

"I sent him letters as well. He told me that my bastard son would never be claimed as a Malfoy and to stop writing him because he was marrying the love of his life and he didn't want me to ruin that," Bella spat turning her eyes on Draco once more. Draco stood speechless at not knowing what was happening and at the mention of a son.

"What..." Draco began.

"He would never write that! Draco has always wanted a family and when did you write?" Blaise asked pacing in the room.

"I wrote both of you multiple times a week until I was about 7 months along then you both told me to leave you be, so I did," Bella said angrily.

"You have a son?" Draco asked confused and shocked.

"Yes, I do," she said holding his gaze.

"Who's the..." Draco started but was once more interrupted as the door burst open and a young boy came barreling in crying. Bella immediately picked him up and put him on her hip shushing him.

"Little star, what's wrong my love?"

"The mean lady called me a bastard and said I had no business being here," Eltanin cried out as Hermione huffed in with Theo hot on her tail.

"Who in Salazar's name was stupid enough to speak to my son in such a way," Bella asked Hermione with a cold fury pouring from her.

"Astoria of course," Hermione said matter of factly. The women exchanged glances and nodded.

Draco took in the boy on Bella's hip and gasped. Her son had his hair and his eyes, and he was the most beautiful little boy he'd ever laid his eyes on.

"Bella, is he?" Draco gulped.

"Yes, but you made it clear you wanted nothing to do with me, so" Bella said coldly.

"How could you not tell me I had a son!?" Draco yelled angry.

"Now, I know damn well she explained herself to you both, not that she should. Bella wrote you both for months hoping to the gods one of you would be decent enough to reply to her. She wanted you both a part of her pregnancy and when she received your replies she was a damn wreck. Now Eltanin is the most brilliant and charismatic little boy I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. You're the ones who said you wanted her to leave you alone so don't stand here suddenly regretful of a decision you both made," Hermione spat feeling her hair frizz and cackle with magic.

Both men exchanged confused glances.

"But I didn't..."

"Neither did I," Draco said shaking his head.

"Don't you dare lie," Bella whispered. She clutched her son close who had stopped sniffling.

"Mama," all the men watched as Eltanin wiggled his way to the ground then stepped closer to Draco looking up at him. "Mama, he has hair almost like mine."

"Yes, little star he does," Bella said softly watching with bated breath.

"That's a coincidence, isn't it?" Eltanin smiled at Draco who watched mesmerized by his son. He then crouched and held out his hand smiling as Eltanin took it.

"Eltanin, we've got to be going. We've overstayed our welcome," Bella said not looking at either Blaise or Draco.

"No, please, let me... I don't know what happened but I want to know him," Blaise said walking towards Bella who had picked Eltanin back up and perched him on her hip.

"You don't get to change your mind just like that," Bella whispered walking away with Hermione who shook her head sadly and began whispering in her ear.

"No Bella, please," Draco chased after the women who were walking quickly.

"If you cause a scene, I will end you," Hermione whispered to Draco who tensed seeing the people from the wedding party walking through the halls.

"Mione mouse! Do you think uncle Harry and uncle George will finally let me fly with them?" Eltanin asked oblivious of the tension between the group.

"Possibly, you'll have to present a good case just like I taught you," Hermione winked at Eltanin who giggled clutching his mother's curls in his hand as she briskly walked out the front doors.

"Please sorella, don't turn away from me," Blaise begged. Blaise, Draco, and Theo stood on the front steps watching as the two witches stopped on the path turning and looking towards them. He didn't give a damn about the wedding any longer. All he cared about was seeing his sister and knowing his nephew who he could tell already had a part of his heart.

"Blaise..." Bella started.

"Draco!" Astoria sneered from the doorway. "Dinner is nearly started, come along."

"Astoria," Bella called out as she watched the couple pause before entering the home. "If you ever talk to my son again, I will make sure there's nothing left of you to find."

Hermione smirked as Bella put her arm through Hermione's and they turned on their personal portkey to the Burrow.

"Someone knows you had a nephew and Draco had a son, but kept you both from him," Theo stated angrily looking at Blaise who was still staring at the empty space.

"I will not rest until I find out who has ruined our family," Blaise spat walking back into to find his wife and some firewhisky. 

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