✩ pied piper ✩

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This One-Shot contains smut, some graphic language and fluff.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

Yoongi didn't know how to feel. He didn't know how to feel about this sort of situation. It's not like the boy never had crushes on other people before, he just never had a crush on someone who was very close to him. By very close he meant one of his best friends who he saw as a brother, someone who will always be there for him, know every little detail about the boy and show that at the right times making Yoongi feel special.

He couldn't put his finger on when this little crush started, but it seems to be the only thing on the boy's mind. He loves the way Hoseok is so pure and caring, always trying to see the good in every person or situation, the way he's extremely hard working yet so humble, the way he says that he's never bothered by Yoongi and always is there for him, but what he probably loves the most is the way Hoseoks body moves to the beat and the way a small smile never leaves his lips when he dances, the way the boy is so smart and talented in creating amazing dance routines. Yoongi wasn't really a dancer and found it kind of tiring, but now he loves dancing just because of those few minutes that he can feel Hoseok in his body, every move he makes reminding him of the boy. He wants to dance his choreography the best he can so that other people can see it and acknowledge the boy's amazing talent, he wants him to be seen by the world. But at the same time, he doesn't.

He wants to keep Hoseok all to himself, be the only one to see him bloom like a beautiful flower that he is. He wants to be the only one who sees the boy in his full beauty because he's afraid that someone will snatch him away from him. He wants to be the only one who feels that way towards Hoseok, be the only one to care for him as much as he can.

Yoongis palm nervously went through his hair, these past few weeks that his feelings started to show, he has been stressed by even seeing Hoseok as if he doesn't know how to be normal around him anymore. It was the third day of their mini-vacation that they really deserved and needed. They decided on just staying home, all of them too tired to travel somewhere far, after all, bon voyage did happen. The boy was just lounging on his bed, playing some silly games on his phone, enjoying his free time when he heard a rhythmic knock on the door and he already knew who it was. A red-haired head stuck out of the small crack of the opened door, revealing an excited smile that seemed to be always plastered on Hoseoks face.

„Min Yoongi, what do you think about going out to play some arcade games?" Hoseok asked in an overdramatic voice, making himself laugh in the process.

Yoongi let out a whine, turning his face to the pillow to hide his slightly red cheeks, it almost sounded as if Hoseok was asking him out on a date he thought, trying to get rid of the smile on his face and remind himself of the reality of this situation. Hoseok saw the expression of Yoongis and smiled even more, there's no way he's giving up.

„Yoongi-ah please, I'm so bored, I can't keep sitting here like this, I will do whatever you want just please let's go" the boy whined to Yoongi some more.

To Yoongi it was almost impossible to say no to the boy so he had no choice, letting out another groan the boy stood up, looking for his shoes, while Hoseok just bounced on his bed, excitement evident in his eyes.

The two boys were walking down the street, their shoes stepping on colored leaves that were once stuck on the branches of the trees, the warm wind making them feel refreshed from staying home all day, the streets that were once busy now stood pretty emptily, most people hiding inside of various coffee shops.

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