✩a miracle✩

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This One-Shot contains lots of fluff.

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Hoseok believed in miracles. He believed, that every once in a while, a higher force helps people just enough, makes something impossible possible to make them believe in life, love, luck or just about anything you could think of, yet he never experienced one. His lips were holding a small smile as he walked down the street that was now under the dim light of the street lights, waves of people passing him by. It was Christmas eve and the world was spinning at the speed of light, people buying last minute presents, some rushing home to finally rest, huge bags from the grocery store, some people walking towards the variety of winter season attractions. This years Christmas were his favorite because of the snow that he never got to see before. Big snowflakes were falling from the sky, landing on his hair that was now a bit damp because of it, his coat covered in snow as well. However, it didn't bother the boy, he just smiled some more, loving the cozy atmosphere around him. He was on his way to the small corner cafe, his boyfriend already waiting for him inside. He started dating Yoongi a few years ago when he started dancing, Yoongi being one of the people to produce the music for his dance. Now they couldn't imagine their lives without one another, both of them not only in love but inspired by one another. 

Hoseok finally reached the door of the cafe, a little ding heard over his head, signaling that a new customer has arrived. His eyes scanned the small place, his eyes landing on one particular gummy smile. Hoseok let out a happy sigh. Here he was. Yoongi was wearing an ugly Christmas sweater, that was about two sizes too big for him, cute reindeer ears on top of his head, blending in with his fluffy hair. He was holding a cup in his hands, his eyes filled with joy and love. Hoseok almost ran to the adorable boy as he sat down in front of him, his hand quickly landing on Yoongis chin, pulling him closer to himself and giving the boy a sweet kiss, feeling the sweet taste of hot chocolate Yoongi must have had. The kiss was short yet so warm and caring, causing Yoongi to wine when Hoseok pulled away. 

"Hoseok, I've missed you so much", Yoongi let out, gripping onto the other boy's hand.

"Baby, we saw each other yesterday"

A blush crept over Yoongis cheeks because of the nickname and Hoseok pointing out his clinginess to which Hoseok chuckled "Don't be embarrassed, I missed you more",  he said as he stood up and sat back down but this time next to Yoongi, their bodies now next to each other. 

Their hands reconnected, his fingers softly grazing over Yoongis smaller palm, their fingers locking perfectly, making Hoseok think about fate and whether Yoongi is the only one for him, cause it sure feels like he is. He couldn't shake the constant feeling he got when he was with Yoongi, almost as if he was stronger, like no one could touch or hurt him, like he was constantly filled with content. These feelings he of course liked, but they scared him. He didn't know what to do and he always ended up with the same decision, that he should cherish Yoongi as much as possible. 

Both of the boys sat at the small cafe for hours, talking about their adventures during the day, Hoseoks arm draped around the other boy, both of them randomly pinching each other's cheeks, or playing with each others hair, feeling as if they were the only people left on earth. As their date came to an end (both of the boys agreed to stay until the shop closes, because they didn't want to leave earlier than that) they exited the cafe, walking hand in hand now in a bit emptier street, snow still falling just as much as before. They walked towards Yoongis house, their hands swinging, trying to catch the snowflakes and examine them before they melt in their hands, laughter filling the cozy winter silence. 

As they reached Yoongis house, the two of them stopped at the doorstep. Hoseoks eyes met Yoongis, making Hoseoks breath uneven. Yoongi was now coated in snow, small snowflakes matching to the color of his clear skin, his small body wrapped in a big cocoon made out of his clothes. He couldn't help but smile when a thought made its way into his head -  Yoongi is just like a snowlike. Delicate, beautiful and so pure, completely unique in its own way. At that moment he understood that he was already blessed by a miracle he wanted to experience for so long. 

A snowflake landed on him, and he wasn't going to let it melt. 

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