✩ just this once ✩

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This One-Shot contains smut, a bit of swearing, a bit of smoking and a shy still in a closet Hoseok.

  **✿❀ ❀✿** 

"Yes, thank you, we will make sure to contact you soon"

His fingers ran through his hair, a deep sigh leaving his lips. This was his fiftieth call today, and he thanked God the lunch break was already around the corner. He leaned back in his chair, trying to relax his tense body. He closed his eyes, that were now tired from staring at a computer screen for too long, the place he was in suffocating him. It was an ordinary day that he has come to work. His job was one of those office jobs that most people seemed to hate, yet he never really had that opinion. He liked his little cubicle that was full of little nothings here and there that made him feel like home, even though it was tiring, he loved what he was doing, He liked the occasional lunch breaks with his coworkers, talking about things that happened to them during the week. He liked that it started at nine and finished at exactly five, letting him have his personal life. His thoughts wandered around the room, his eyes still closed.

"Hey, Hoseok! You coming?", He heard one of his co-workers shouting from afar. He yelled out a quick 'yes' and stood up from the chair, still a bit dizzy from the drowsiness that the day at work has caused him. He put on his coat and rushed towards a group of people, looking forward to getting some fresh air.

"You okay? Did you not get enough sleep last night?", one of his coworkers asked, concerned by his odd behavior. That made Hoseok smile, awknowledging the thoughtfulness of the question.

"You got me there, I'm going to sleep right after work" He laughed, sharing a friendly smile with the guy. They stood by the front entrance, waiting for everyone in their group to show up. He pushed his back against the wall, watching people going in and out of the elevators. A delicate man's figure walked out of the elevator, catching his attention. His hair was silver and parted in the middle, a few strands falling in his eyes making him fix it with his long pale fingers. In fact, the man was so pale he looked like a porcelain doll, not a single trance of imperfection on his face. His lips were plump and a bit rosy, his eyes dark and beautiful, yet full of disinterest, only making Hoseok want to see him smile more. He was fascinated by the person and he was afraid to say - attracted to him. His friends interrupted his thoughts again, making him switch his gaze away from the mystery man, talking about places to eat. As they were ready to leave, he felt a pat on his shoulder, making him turn around.

"Hey Hoseok, meet our new coworker - Min Yoongi! It's his first day of work today and since I'm a wonderful friend I'm bringing him with us! Yoongi, meet Hoseok, the friend I told you about" Namjoon exclaimed, excited about his two best friends finally meeting each other. Hoseoks eyes followed the directions where the supposed best friend was and couldn't help but be shocked to meet the same young man, he had previously eye raped. Their eyes met, a silence settling down between them. There was a specific silence between them, the one that meant more than both of them could ever say. How could he feel like this towards a man? A man who he's seeing for the first time? Yoongi offered to shake hands with Hoseok, to which he agreed. His hands were a bit cold, but smooth none the less, his grip tight, somehow making Yoongi feel superior to him. Their eye contact was cut short when he felt Namjoon nudging him to go through the door, not wasting any of their lunch break. During the break, everyone drank and ate to their heart's content, but for some reason Hoseok just could not relax, knowing that Yoongi was in the same room. He seemed to be very talkative and outgoing while talking to others, which completely didn't suit his personality in Hoseok's opinion. He didn't know what it was, but he desperately tried to find at least a single flaw about Yoongi, so he could find a reason to dislike him, yet he couldn't, it was as if the same feeling of superiority came back to haunt him.

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