get to know me a litte.... i guess? WARNING *SPOILERS*

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i'm really sorry this isn't a chapter but hey, since school ended i will spend more time degrading as a human being as well as writing some new gay fantasies i have :——-)

If you wang spoilers to my most recent one shot, scroll down ;)

If you wang spoilers to my most recent one shot, scroll down ;)

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okay i usually don't do these so bear with me!!

i was tagged by @Forevershipper217

{1} i usually spend all of my time on tumblr and i personally like posting my writing on tumblr than on here? (@smilyoongi pls message lets be friends)
{2} writing is very personal to me so the fact that i post it online is still incredible to me
{3} i am really grateful for every single read and i love reading every comment it lights up my world <3_<3
{4} i am almost 17 years of age and my birthday is on June 28th!
{5} my bias is Jungkook, but it's getting harder because Yoongi just can't seem to stop making my heart ache >_<
{6} i really love meeting new people and if anyone wants to talk i'm always free to chat about anything !
{7} i'm still working over loving myself every day and am feeling quite happy at the moment!
{8} i am addicted to tea and can drink up to 20 cups of tea a day :)))
{9} writing to me is a really long and complicated process and that's why my update schedule is basically non-existent
{10} my favorite feature about myself is my eyes because their color is hard to define and everyone has different opinions

whats your favorite feature about yourself? i'd love to hear it!!!

• i basically have no friends on wattpad so if you wish to be tagged hmu and i will :>

• okay so a joke....yoongi is straight.

•a spoiler huh? this is from my latest oneshot that i plan to upload very soon!!!

""... and that's why I think mixtapes are a beautiful way to capture music's timeless beauty"

"But don't you think cassettes are quite cheesy?" Yoongi replied, looking at the boy with pure curiosity.

"it's a more organic way of listening to music, it feels more personal, something only for you to listen to, a good way to express your feelings for another person," Hoseok said, a small smile escaping him as his eyes did not fail to capture a smile forming on Yoongis lips as well, his eyes crinckling as he did.

Hoseok stood up from his seat with a sigh, feeling quite sad for not being able to talk more with the boy, feeling like he shouldn't push Yoongi's boundaries, from what he has gathered, he still was a shy person. Both of them made their way towards the exit, a comfortable silence settling down between them. Yoongi found it weird feeling at ease with someone very close to a stranger. He felt as if he didn't need words to communicate, he didn't need to make himself look better to impress him because Hoseok seemed to see through every emotion his face seemed to make and as scary as it may seem at first Yoongi liked that. Did he like Hoseok?"

Let me know what you think and i will see you guys when i upload the next chapter!

- a very anxious writer, emily 🌷

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