✩ love ✩

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This One-Shot contains smut, a bit of graphic language and some fluff.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

Mondays were something that Yoongi truly despised. He hated having to wake up early in the morning, knowing that a long day of hard work is waiting for him when he goes out the door, he hated knowing that every fun activity that he was engaged in during the weekend now has to be stopped.

His long legs moved his sleeping body towards the bathroom, his slightly opened eyes catching a glimpse of Hoseok calmly sleeping in their shared bed. It's been a few months since the two boys started living together, and it was probably the best decision Yoongi has ever made. They had so much more time to just be in each others presence and that made every day a hundred times better. It was Yoongi's first serious relationship and he wasn't going to mess this up.

He closed the bathroom door, taking off his clothes. Yoongi slowly got into the shower, letting the hot water hit his back hoping that it wakes him up for the day.

However, one thing that Yoongi seemed to forget, was that Hoseok was a light sleeper and all of the shower noises started to annoy the boy in his slumber. A low groan escaped Hoseok's lips as he shifted in the sheets, trying to block the sounds coming from the shower, though he soon realized it was impossible.

"Hmph.... for fucks sake Yoongi-ah can't you be quiet" He yelled in his sleepy voice.

Sadly, he didn't seem to get a response which made him sigh again, pulling the sheets off his body and walking towards the bathroom.

Hoseok was engulfed by warmth, the bathroom now steamy from the hot water. He went up to the sink, splashing cold water in his face afterwards wiping the mirror in front of him, his eyes met with his reflection, a pair of bags under his eyes, his hair messy, he was a mess.

However something more interesting attracted his attention. A naked boy in the shower was really such a sight. His eyes were closed shut, letting the water hit his face, his hands going up and down his body, slightly massaging it. His body seemed so soft, so fragile.

He turned around, now fully watching the boy. The admiration that he had for the boys beauty now dipped in lust, Hoseok's eyes turning a darker shade. He can feel his dick in his boxers reacting to this too.

"Touch yourself" A sudden demand causing Yoongi to flinch, making the boy try to hide his body, a bit embarrassed and intimidated by Hoseok's stare. How long has he been in here?


"I said... Touch yourself for me " he said in his low voice, that made Yoongi's head spin.

For a second Yoongi just stood there trying to process what he was saying, but then his hand went down his body, his fingers wrapping themselves around his length, moving up and down. His back was pressed against the cold tiles of the wall, his head slightly tilted back. Soft hot whines came out of Yoongi's mouth, his pace getting faster, his hips bucking themselves upwards, his lip between his teeth, small drips of water and sweat now coating his hair and face. He was so lost in the moment, in the sounds of water pouring from the shower head, in the friction his palm created around his dick. So lost, that he forgot someone was watching him. He opened his eyes only to meet a pair of other ones staring back at him. Hoseok was looking at him, at all of him. He couldn't help but palm himself through his boxers, the view being way too much for him to handle. Seeing Hoseok like this made Yoongi even more aroused. He let out a helpless moan, finally letting himself say what he wanted since Hoseok walked in on him.

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