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This One-Shot contains fluff, angst and some cool ass tracks

A/N: This One-Shot is heavily tied to music, so if you wish to delve into this more, the link to the playlist is here!

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One might never think a simple occurrence in persons daily life can have so much effect on them, but that was simply denied when Yoongi experienced his small occurrence on a sunny Friday morning. His pace was fast, his not fully zipped up backpack weighing down one of his shoulders, his hoodie lazily fitting his now fully awake body, the only evidence of the deep slumber he was in just moments ago being his bed hair that he didn't see the need to fix. After all, it's just school, nothing life changing or drastic would ever happen in a place like this, so why make it something bigger than it actually is? His feet stopped moving when he finally sat down in one of the seats by the window, letting his backpack rest in his lap. Bus rides to and from school were his favorite. They were sacred to listening to music, reading or even taking a quick nap, a place to relax before a full day of squeaking millennials enduring their own day of school.

Yoongi put in his earphones, calming beats making his vision drowsy, his fingers tapping a few notes in sync with the rhythm. The boy smiled to himself as he seemed to have a pretty decent morning so far. Yet not all odds may be in his favor as he hoped, cause another thing that he heard was definitely not a beat from his earphones, but a cough, a cough that meant he was not alone anymore. He averted his eyes to a figure in front of him, soon realizing it was a face he has never seen before. Yoongi mentally shrugged thinking about what he could've done to make this boy walk up to him, after all, the bus was quite empty. His thoughts were interrupted by the same tall figure who was still standing, their eyes grazing Yoongis features.

"Uhm hi, I'm Hoseok and I'm guessing you're driving towards the same school since there are not many of those around here and you look somewhat my age, it's gonna be my first day today and I'm quite terrified and thought it might be nice to know at least someo-" Hoseok's nervous murmuring was quickly disrupted by Yoongi taking Hoseok by the sleeve of his sweater and yanking the boy towards him, making him sit down.

"I-i'm sorry, it's against the rules to stand in a driving bus," Yoongi said, feeling his cheeks blushing from a sudden act. He looked down at his fingers who were playing with his earphones, not sure what he should say. Yes hi Hoseok, you look cool, too bad I'm an antisocial insecure rat who doesn't really participate in the society

" I'm Yoongi" The boy lets out, finally collecting the strength to look up at the boy whose eyes were now curiously cruising around Yoongis small frame.

A small gasp left Yoongis lips as he examined Hoseoks face. His skin was glistening, small shadows playing on his face from the trees that were passing them outside the window, his brown slightly wavy hair seemed to lightly bounce whenever he moved, his lips were pursed into a small inviting smile which seemed to be connected to his eyes that shared the same friendly fondness that Yoongi has never seen before. As seconds went by he found himself feeling stupid for acting the way that he did, his mind now wondering of what was going through Hoseok's head, was he trying to notice small details about him as well or was this just a not reciprocated feeling that Yoongi felt for a stranger he met on the bus?

"Nice to meet you Yoongi, I hope we get to have some classes together, wish me luck!" Hoseok exclaimed before rising up from his seat and heading out through the door of the bus, leaving the still flustered Yoongi in his seat, music still playing from his earphones.

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