✩ i ain't never did this before ✩

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This One-Shot contains smut, some graphic language.

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The pen was monotonically hitting the surface of the desk, the sound it made getting lost in the sea of voices that filled the classroom of the last period. Yoongi couldn't wait to get out of school, the day seeming a thousand hours long. It was now spring, which meant school was almost unbearable, everyone waiting for the summer holidays already. Yoongi too couldn't concentrate on any school work, the sun brimming brightly in the sky, early birds chirping, fresh summery wind distracting him from anything else.

Of course, it wasn't the only thing that has been distracting him recently.

Yoongi wasn't the most popular kid at school, you could say he fit in with the masses, trying not to stick out too much. For him, the school wasn't the place for friendships, yet he made one exception and that was Jung Hoseok. When Yoongi first came to school, Hoseok was the first person he talked to and the first real friend he made. Hoseok always treated him nicely, their friendship improving over the years as they both grew closer to each other, both letting their walls down. The thing with Hoseok was, that even though he was quite a popular guy in their school, he never pretended to be anything more than an average student, treating everyone as his equals. To this day Yoongi still gets surprised by the fact that the boy is his friend. All of these things were great and Yoongi certainly was very grateful for a person like him in his life, but that wasn't the reason why he was so distracted. He knew that he will eventually start liking someone, or feel incredibly drawn to a person, but why did it have to Hoseok? That's right. For the past few weeks, Yoongi found himself feeling weird when he is around the boy. He would constantly get nervous and wary, every compliment coming from Hoseok making him blush. He kept catching himself staring at his lips whenever he was talking, their weekly sleepovers now tragically painful for Yoongi, unholy thoughts bracing his brain while all they were doing was sleeping in the same bed, as friends do. Unfortunately, Yoongi couldn't find the way to solve this problem, so he took the easy way deciding to avoid the boy as much as possible. Sadly his decision brought him even more misfortune as Hoseok soon caught on and requested they spend the whole weekend binge-watching movies at his house. It was currently Friday and Yoongi tried to mentally prepare for a constant aching of his heart. A loud bell could be heard in the classroom, making everyone rush out of the class to which Yoongi just sat in his place waiting for everyone to get out of the class so he could exit calmly.

Dragging his feet forward Yoongi made his way towards the bus stop, the only wish that he had was to plop down on his bed and let it swallow him whole. He was almost at the bus stop when he felt someone ruffling his hair. As he was about to kill the person with his death glare his eyes caught a glimpse of who was Hoseok, giving him his usual carefree smile, making Yoongis expression change immediately, his lips forming into a content smile.

"Heading home?" Hoseok asked, his breathing still fast from catching up to the boy.

"Yeah, maybe I should really stay in to-" Hoseok didn't let Yoongi finish, his finger now resting on Yoongis lips. "You're not running away from me sweets, not today" Hoseok replied, earning an angry scoff from Yoongi to which he replied with a cheeky grin. Teasing Yoongi was definitely one of his favorite activities.

For Hoseok it wasn't necessary for the boy to sleep over at his throughout the weekend, he just wanted to know what was wrong and knowing Yoongi, he realized he will need more than a day to finally crack. Hoseok cherished their friendship greatly, that's why such behavior truly scared him. He didn't know what or who provoked such behavior from his side, but he was set to find it out.

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