✩ let me take care of you ✩

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This One-Shot contains smut, fluff and a bit of graphic language.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

Sweaty bodies moved around the basketball court, everyone's eyes on the ball, both teams trying their best to win. Yoongi loved basketball. Since he was young he could remember the way the orange ball felt against his hand, the way the ball would bounce up from the ground, the way it would go through the net, making the boy happy. He was now in high school and nothing has changed. He was now on the basketball team, and for him it was the only thing keeping him at school. It was the only thing that could keep him focused and entertained, his mind always set on the goal to win. But recently, something has changed. A new student has joined their team. He recently moved into this town, and after showing his abilities in PE classes, the boy got accepted right in. The boy was like a star of his team and he didn't like it. He felt like it was not fair that everyone had to go through some try outs and he could just walk right in. His friends and teammates were also all over him, praising him for his abilities, which he was jealous of. Before him, he used to be the cool one, he used to get the attention from his friends. He knew that the reason behind not liking him was petty, but he couldn't let it go. Because of that boy, he couldn't focus during the games. He would always look so happy and energetic, not at all tired, laughing around while playing an important game and still score for the team. Why was he so perfect? All he wanted was to dig up something weird about him that would explain it. He was just too nice to trust that he was doing it for the purity of his heart. And of course the last thing Yoongi hated, but couldn't forget was how attractive he was. It was pure torture walking into the locker rooms and watching him change. He couldn't take his glance off of the red haired boy and the way his muscles would flex, leaving nothing for his imagination, his shirt already off, the way his red hair would stick to his forehead, drops of sweat dripping down his face, his whole body glistening, the way he would look in the showers. He always went to the shower after everyone else, usually because he would practice even more. One day, Yoongi stayed a little longer while talking to their coach. When he reached the showers, a soft humming could be heard, sending shivers to his spine. As he walked further, he hid around the corner, his head peaking out to put a face on the beautiful humming. A loud gasp reached his lips as he saw the red haired boy under the shower head, His body now relaxed, enjoying the heat coming from the water. He looked so beautiful, so inviting. But Yoongi quickly got back to reality and realized he will get away without taking a shower this time. He couldn't let his body reveal his growing attraction for the boy, his pants already tighter than they should be.


Another day, another basketball practice awaited for Yoongi. He couldn't wait to start, letting all the frustration that he collected throughout the day finally about to get released. However, he was very late. As he finally reached the locker rooms, everyone has already started. Fuck his coach will kill him. He took off his shirt and his jeans, already standing in only boxers when he heard a noise. He wasn't alone? An already dressed boy came into his vision. The red haired boy or Hoseok for that matter. He was about to say something when his mouth closed, his eyes now scanning through Yoongi's body making him blush. He couldn't help but get a a wave of excitement to run through his body. He looked at him like he was some sort of food and god did he want to taste it.  he walked towards Yoongi, finally reaching him. They were now inches away and Yoongi could swear he felt Hoseok's breath on his naked skin. Hoseok's stare was intense, almost impossible to ignore, every second spent under his glance setting his body on fire. Hoseok's face inched closer to Yoongi, their noses touching. Yoongi looked down at Hoseok's lips that now looked so tempting, so soft, but blushed badly when he noticed Hoseok watching him. Hoseok chuckled lightly, smirking at the boy and didn't waste another minute, going out of the locker room, leaving the other boy in utter shock. As Yoongi got out of the daydream that he was in he almost jumped, why didn't he move? His eyes then caught a clock - fuck he was late. He quickly threw on his clothes and ran to his team, already preparing himself for an angry coach. 

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