✩ serendipity ✩

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This One-Shot contains smut, slight fluff, graphic language, smoking and of course a ton of gayness.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

Little drops of sweat were running down Hoseok's forehead, his chest frantically rising up and down. He could feel his knees shaking just a little bit, his feet now feeling heavy, his shoes too tight – boy, he was craving a shower. He thought that after at least two years of work at the university's dance classes he would finally get used to this much physicall work, but it would surprise him every time. Don't get the boy wrong – he loved every second of it. Dancing was something that the boy couldn't live without. It was so natural to him, every time his body moved to the beat he would forget everything else in the world. It was the only thing that could heal him.

So here he was, after an intense dance class, trying to catch his breath. People started getting out of the practice room, some of them coming by to Hoseok to say goodbye. Hoseok slid down the wall, sitting down.Taking his sweaty shirt off and changing it to his work t-shirt, which had his name clipped on his chest. These past few months have been a bit rough for him. His parents stopped sending money due to financial problems at home so he had to get a job. There wasn't a single thing that Hoseok hated about working, he loved socializing and earning his own money, but all of the sleepless nights and busy days were really getting to him. He really needed to release his stress somewhere, and god has it been so long since he had sex with someone. It's not that he didn't attract people, but there weren't that many gay guys in his university and Hoseok being a shy didn't really help with the problem either. He felt bad to just use someone for sex, but he really didn't need a relationship right now, hell if he couldn't find time for sleeping how the hell is he going to find time for a relationship?

After cooling down he lifted himself up from the floor and started to walk towards the direction of the halls, managing to carry his sports bag and the other bag with notebooks and such in his hands. While walking he tried his hardest not to trip over his own feet which ended up in him colliding with something or he should say someone. Hoseok let out a loud sigh as his belongings fell to the ground, some of the things getting out of his bag. This really wasn't his day. He immediately dropped to the ground and started to pick everything up from the ground as he noticed someone else leaning down next to him and helping him to organize his stuff. He remembered that it was his fault for letting this happen and not looking where he was going.

„Oh my god i-i'm so sorry I got into your way, it was stupid for me to not look where I was going I'm so clumsy i-" His words were shortly interrupted by a silent chuckle.

Hoseok lifted his eyes to see where the noise was coming from, his eyes catching the strangers ones. His all body froze. The guy he interrupted was tall, his attire was all black, his skin was extremely pale, his face seemed soft and his features were delicate, yet he looked so intimidating, so mysterious. For some reason Hoseok found himself to be really intimidated by this guy and of course, he was incredibly attractive which only made it more difficult to act normal.

„You should really watch where you're going Hoseok, you will get hurt," He said, a slight smirk still on his lips.

„H-how do you know my name?" The boy let out obviously incredibly thrown off by his name coming out of the stranger's lips. He couldn't deny it made his heart skip a beat.

„Well unless you stole this shirt, it says there pretty clearly your name is Hoseok"

„O-oh" was all Hoseok was able to let out, mentally facepalming himself for being so stupid to forget he had changed shirts.

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