✩ baby blue ✩

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This One-Shot contains fluff and yeah fluff.

A/N: i've been feeling a little soft recently, but next chapter i upload will be a smut so prepare yourselves!

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The sheets that were spread on the bed now were crinkled by the boys lounging on a small bed. Randomly scattered clothes, books, plants, and other belongings of Hoseok creating a cozy atmosphere in the room. The lazy Saturday mood was floating in the air. Hoseok loved days like these the most. When both of them had no plans, both too tired from different things they were doing all week, now just ready to relax and spend quality time with each other.

Yoongi's legs were lazily spread on the bed, his head resting on the headboard, his eyes lazily looking up at the boy across from him. Hoseok was situated between Yoongi's tired legs, holding his hands in his own. Yoongi let out a soft yet sad whine, his glance suddenly changing, slight sadness now evident in his eyes. Hoseok quickly catching up on that, concern painting his face.

"What's on your mind Yoongi-ah?

"I just... I just miss you. Like all the time. And our work schedules are shit, we don't get to see each other during the week at all, all I get is these two days of freedom when I can look at my boyfriend's beautiful face." Yoongi let out, his hands escaping from Hoseok's.

His fingers now nervously playing with the material of the bed sheets, his eyes lowering themselves as if the boy was embarrassed by his sudden burst of emotions. The expression on Hoseok's face softened, his eyes full of adoration. Hoseok's fingers collided with Yoongi's chin, slightly lifting his head so that their eyes meet.

"Yoongi.... I know that this sucks and I wish I could change this somehow, but we will go through this, we will figure something out. After all, we will have our vacations and I will never forget to nag you about taking me out on another date! From now on I will try to see you as much as I can" Hoseok cheered, trying to make the other boy feel better.

A small smile appeared on Yoongis lips, the small speech of Hoseok's making the boy feel way better than before. We will get through it, he thought.

An idea sparked in Hoseok's head. The boy jumped up from the bed now running to his small wooden shelf, rummaging through stuff until he finally found what he was looking for. As Yoongi was about to ask what the other boy has got in mind, a baby blue colored nail polish revealed itself in between the hands of the boy. Hoseok came back to his previous position in between Yoongi's legs, but this time his body went further into the boy so that he was plopping down on Yoongi's warm body. Yoongi's hands almost immediately went around Hoseok, a sudden feeling of calmness going through his body. Yoongi has never found a better and more calming thing than touching Hoseok. Every time that he would touch the boy it felt like the first time. The boy seemed so precious to him, every move or a breath he takes stopping Yoongi's heart.

Yoongi looked down at his boyfriend, his lips now situated on Hoseok's head, giving it a light kiss. His hair smelled like vanilla, he probably smells like vanilla too, the vanilla scent probably living in his hair. Yoongi would treasure things like that. Moments, where he can just feel Hoseok in the air, the scent of him and he feels so engulfed in him, engulfed in love, fuck he wishes it could last forever.

"I want to paint your nails so that you can always think of me when you're missing me. You can always remember this day, or any other day we spent together. The nail polish will stay on for a few days and when we see each other again i will coat your nails with a new color. Just letting you know, cause you don't have a say in this".

Yoongi let out a chuckle, obviously too lazy to protest (and of course he would never disagree with Hoseok on anything, he's just too soft for the boy). Hoseok takes Yoongi's hand spreading his fingers on his leg, the smell of nail polish now in the air making Yoongi let out a loud sneeze, causing the other boy to almost drop the opened nail polish on the bed.

"Sheesh Yoongi-ah! Could you please be more careful? This is a serious matter" Hoseok let out a complain.

Which of course deserved a chuckle from Yoongi, he's clearly annoyed with me but god is he cute.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, i won't interrupt your important business from now on" He said, trying to keep a straight face, which later turned into a smile when he noticed Hoseok blushing because of the name he gave him.

The room went silent except for the music lightly playing from Hoseok's computer. Hoseok started to paint Yoongi's nails, finding the task rather entertaining. The nail polish event though still not dry already looked so good on Yoongi's hands, the color complimenting his pale long slender fingers, it even matched with his hair.

After a while of Hoseok painting Yoongi's nails and Yoongi complaining about how this takes too much time and Hoseok just flipping him off he was finally done.

Yoongi was inspecting his nails, moving his fingers in the air, his eyes fixated on the baby blue color.

"So do you like it?"

Yoongi's eyes met Hoseok's for the first time in a while, Yoongi's eyes filling up with love, and happiness.

"Yes i do like you"

"That's not what i asked you dumbo"

"Okay okay and i like my nails too but it still doesn't really remind me of you"

Hoseok let out a loud sigh, confused by the boy when suddenly he felt the presence of Yoongi's hand cupping his cheek, seconds later pressing his lips on Hoseok's. This took the boy completely by surprise, sending shiver so down his spine. Hoseok soon kissed the boy back, his arms going around Yoongi's waist, pulling him closer. Yoongi's hand was caressing Hoseok's cheek, his other hand playing with his hair. He felt so peaceful and full of life, he felt like there's nothing in this world that matters more than this happening right now, every second so precious and sweet. Hoseok was feeling his lips on his own, the taste of morning coffee they had still lingering on Yoongi's tongue. He felt Yoongi's freshly painted nails scratching his head, sending shivers to his spine. He felt Yoongi everywhere as if the air was replaced with the boy. His head is on a huge roller coaster and he doesn't understand how someone can affect him this deeply.

The kiss ends, both boys out of breath.

Yoongi looks down to his painted nails and smiles.

"It does really remind me of you now that i look at it"

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