Chapter 9

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I was extremely exhausted the next day at school. Last night, Peter eventually came back and told us where the station wagon was. He took me home and I immediately fell asleep. However, I was soon interrupted by the sound of my alarm clock ringing only two hours later.

It was now lunch. I grabbed my granola bar and water bottle and headed off to meet Peter at our usual meeting spot on the stone wall. As I am approaching it, I notice a blonde girl sitting next to him. They were laughing and talking. I didn't want to interrupt, so I walk away. I see Shelly sitting on a bench by herself and I decide to join her.

"Hi," I smile, sitting down. "How's it going?"

Shelly sets down her sandwich and begins typing, "Good. How about you?"

"Good," I say before unraveling my granola bar. I take a bite out of it and then ask, "Do you know who that is with Peter?"

"Yes," the electronic voice replies. "It's Letha, my cousin."

"Ah, Roman has mentioned her."

We continue to eat our lunch. I am looking around, enjoying the sunny weather. I notice Roman standing at the top of the concrete stairs, staring at Letha and Peter. He didn't look happy.

I tell Shelly I will be right back. I approach Roman and touch his arm. His gaze breaks away from Letha and Peter for a split moment. "Hi," I smile. "Are you okay?"

"What is he doing with her?"

"They are just talking, Roman," I say. "Don't think too much into it. Now, come eat lunch with Shelly and I."

I grab his hand and pull him along. Roman smiles at his sister and gives her a quick hug before sitting down. I squish on the end of the bench and drink some of my water. "How's it going, Shell?"

"Good," she types with a smile. "First time someone has eaten lunch with me." Shelly turns her head and looks at me.

Roman smiles and taps her leg. "I'm glad you are having a good day."

Shelly finishes her food and gets up to throw it away in a nearby trash bin. Roman turns to me and begins talking, "Peter and I are going to Destiny's after school. Are you coming?"

"Yeah," I nod. Peter had invited me earlier this morning. "I didn't see some girls intestines for nothing."

"Meet me in the parking lot after school," he starts with a smile. It was rare when Roman smiled and I loved when he did. "And then after Destiny's, we have our date."

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot," I lie, my lips turning into a small smirk.

Roman nudges my arm. "No, you didn't," he chuckles. "You suck at lying."

"I do? I thought I was pretty good."

"You're a little shit," he laughs. He grabs a cigarette and lights it, the smoke blowing into the air. "I like it."


After school, I meet Roman and Peter in the parking lot just like we had planned. Roman wasn't talking as much as he normally did to Peter. The tension and awkwardness was almost unbearable. I unbuckle my seat beat and reach over the seat to grab Roman's shoulder.

"Be nice," I whisper into his ear as his grip gets tighter onto the steering wheel. I lean back again and gaze out the window.

"So, did you and my cousin have a pleasant lunch?" Roman snapped, completely ignoring what I just said. He turns and looks at Peter who doesn't say anything. "Huh?"

Peter grins. "Nutrition. They don't call it lunch anymore," he jokes, but Roman doesn't laugh. "Hey! She pities me."

"Yeah, she's all heart," Roman sneers, stepping on the gas pedal. Peter huffs and turns away. I sit in silence, staring at the both of them. Roman needed to calm down. Peter and Letha had lunch together, what was the big deal?

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