Chapter 30

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Miranda turns around, topless. Nadia was clinging onto one of her breasts, her eyes closed as she fed.

"What the fuck?"

Roman and I look at each other, confused and surprised. Why was Miranda breast feeding Nadia?

"What are you doing?" I ask, swallowing a lump in my throat.

"I-I don't know," she stutters. "I-I just started-"

Roman clenches his fists tightly. "How did you get in here?"

"The door, it was, uh, left unlocked," Miranda hesitates before looking at Roman. "Y-You were so weird and secretive-"

"That you just had to check it out?" Roman sneers, finishing her sentence.

Nadia begins fussing a little bit, pulling away from Miranda's chest. She sets her back down in the crib. "I'm sorry."

I don't even know what to say or what is going on. Shaking my head, I quickly walk out of the room. Why would Miranda be breastfeeding Nadia? It was so strange and I had no idea what to even think.

"Elsie," Roman says, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"Everything is so fucked up," I mutter.

"I know," he sighs, kissing my forehead. "Let's go get some sleep and we will talk about this tomorrow, okay?"

I nod and he smiles slightly before grabbing my hand. We go into his bedroom and he tosses me a t-shirt to wear. Happily, I put it on before brushing my teeth and getting into the warm bed. It was nice, laying against Roman's chest. I felt a sense of calmness as I listened to his heart beat.

"I love you," he whispers, kissing my lips gently. "I'm never going to hurt you again, I promise."

"I love you, Roman."


In the morning, Roman and I take a shower together and get ready for the day. I had no plans for the afternoon until my shift in the evening. Roman suggested that I go to the white tower with him and I thought it would be fun to see what he does.

We were in the kitchen. I was eating some yogurt and fruit while Roman was looking in the fridge. I hear him open something and I watch as he leans down. He begins eating some sausage like he was starving and hadn't seen food in ten days.

"You good?" I ask, setting my spoon down.

He nods. "Yeah, I'm good. Just hungry."

Sadly, Miranda decides to join and I internally groan, pushing my yogurt away and checking my phone absentmindedly. She stares at him up and down, confused as he scarfed down the meat.

"Sausage?" He awkwardly asks when he notices her intense gaze

"Uh, vegan," she bluntly replies, walking over to the cabinet. "Since I was fifteen, I haven't eaten anything with a face."

Literally no one cares, I thought to myself. Even though Roman and Miranda didn't sleep together and he insisted that nothing has happened between them, I still didn't like her.

Roman doesn't say anything. He leans against the fridge, giving me a slight smile and I give him a fake one. I really needed to stop having a bad attitude. Roman has made it clear that he loves me, but I just couldn't stand Miranda.

"Uh, the baby...the one upstairs?" Miranda questions, looking at Roman intently. "...Has been bothering me. Not the baby per se, more like the entire situation. I mean, it is pretty fucking weird when you get right down to it. Did I make a wrong turn through a wormhole into some fucked up Victorian novel where a top secret..."

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