Chapter 19

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The days go on. There would be no more gruesome killings, a gigantic weight lifted off our shoulders. However, we still had problems.

We couldn't find Shelly. We spent hours and hours searching the woods and any houses or places she could have possibly sought sanctuary in. There were no sighs of her whereabouts, only little speckles of blood found on trees and logs. However, it was eventually a dead end.

Roman was extremely upset, which was to be expected. If we weren't making love or looking for Shelly, he was very quiet.

Letha's baby bump was growing bigger and she was due any day now. She had found out the gender and she was having a girl. Her and Peter decided to raise the baby together since there technically wasn't a father. They were extremely happy.

We were at Destiny's house. Roman and Destiny were doing sessions, trying to contact Shelly. Each day, he was let down and it broke my heart watching his face fall when she told him there was nothing.

I sat next to Peter on the couch, looking through a magazine.

"Are you excited?" I ask him.

"I'm nervous," he slightly chuckles. "But, I'm so fucking excited."

We continue to talk before Peter's phone rings. "Having a baby?" Peter exclaims and I can hear Letha cheering through the phone. He stands up, tears in his eyes. He tells Letha how much he loves her before hanging up.

Roman and Destiny come out of the session, the colorful beads falling as they went through the door.

"What's up?" Roman sniffles and I frown. I knew the look at his face.

"Birthday!" Peter shouts in happiness, raising his arms up.

Destiny claps her hands. "Yay!"

"Oh, shee-it!" Roman exclaims as he gives Peter a big hug. Peter turns to me, a huge smile on his face. He grabs my arm and pulls me into the hug.


"Give her my best!" Destiny claps, plopping down on the couch. "Oh, babies are awesome!"

"We should go!"

Roman pats Destiny on the shoulder as we are walking out. She suddenly gasps, her mouth open.

"What?" Roman questions.

"Still," is all she says, staring at him intently. "To be the still point in the turning world is a warrior's greatest feat."

They stare at each other for a moment. Peter and I look at each other uneasily. What did any of that mean? Why was she telling Roman this now?

"Anything else?" Roman croaks out.


I say bye to Destiny and leave. We brushed off whatever just happened. Peter and Letha were having a baby and it was a time to celebrate. We go to the white tower because apparently they had the best doctors. We were waiting in the waiting room; the floor, couches and walls were white. I had my head on Roman's lap as he played with my hair. He stops for a second and reaches into his pocket, pulling out two gigantic cigars.

"Are you guys even aloud to smoke in here?" I ask, glancing up at them.

"I'm gonna own the place," Roman shrugs. "Who's gonna stop us?"

I shake my head and smile. Smoke fills the air as Peter and Roman light their cigars.

"Dr. Day, Dr. Day, please come to the OR."

We listen to the voice over the intercom, nothing really thinking anything of it.

"Uncle Roman," I think out loud and they both laugh.

"God help us," Peter jokes before taking a drag. "Anything from D?"

Roman shakes his head, "Dead end."

"Are you completely sure she is even still out there?"

"I know she is," his voice cracks. "It's like in the fall, you know, the dreams we were having? I see her sometimes in my dreams...not, not in my dreams. I've been trying it on myself."

I think back to when Roman told me about him and Peter having the same dreams. That is what pretty much started this whole thing. That is why Roman showed up that one night by the shed.

He continues, "I look into the mirror and tell myself to see her, and things cloud over, but there's...light. And the light is an angel and the angel is her. It's her. She's trying to tell me something, but I can only hear her. What do you think it means?"

I remember finding Roman, standing in front of a mirror, blood running down his nose. He looked like he was about to pass out so I stopped him. I didn't agree with it, but Roman was going to do whatever he needed to do in order to find his sister.

Peter sits forward, sighing. "Can you make yourself cluck like a chicken?" He jokes and I hear Roman scoff. I knew that wasn't the answer he wanted to hear. "I don't know."

Time passes slowly. Peter moved to the other couch and fell asleep while Roman and I sat on the other.

"I never thanked you," Roman says after a while.

"For what?"

"For stopping the vargulf when it was about to rip me to shreds," he slightly chuckles and I think back to when I hit the wolf with the axe. "And for helping me look for Shelly."

"You're welcome," I say. I loved Roman and I would do anything for him.

"I love you so much," he whispers, pulling me closer and giving me a kiss. I run my fingers through his hair and tug on it slightly. I knew that drove him crazy. "Elsie, don't make me have to take you on this couch," he groans against my lips and I smirk slightly.

"I'd be alright with that."

We continue to make out until Peter abruptly sits up, gasping for air.

"What?" I ask, getting up from the couch. "What is it?"

Peter is mute, standing in front of the hallway that lead to the delivery room.

"Code Omega. Code Omega. Maternity one. All available staff report."

We all stood silent as we listened to the PA above us. Roman walked slowly to the door.

"Maternity One. Cancel Omega. Patient is deceased. Security, clear the area."

It felt like the wind was knocked out of me. I struggled to breath, my chest tight. I grab onto the wall to hold myself up as Roman falls to the ground, heavy sobs escaping his mouth. Peter stood in shock. I felt sick to my stomach. He had just lost the love of his life. His future family was ripped right out from underneath him. I couldn't believe it.

Letha was dead.

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