Chapter 20

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Peter left.

No goodbye, no phone call, no letter, no nothing.

Roman and I went to his trailer to check on him. When we got there, the door was open and everything was gone. Roman instantly fell to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. I held him until he stopped crying. He gets up, tugging on his hair before he punching the wall.

"Roman," I say through tears. "Stop."

"Fuck!" He screams and I close my eyes, flinching. "He fucking left. He fucking left us."

"Come here," I motion and he shakes his head. "Roman, come-"

"Stop fucking talking!" He shouts, his eyes wild in anger and sadness. I continue to cry before leaving him alone. My best friend had left. I had no idea where he went or how to contact him. It was like he vanished into thin air.

After Roman calmed down, he took me home. Neither one of us talked. His hands were clenching the steering wheel so tight, his knuckles turned pale. I get out of the car, my heart hurting as we don't even say goodbye.

The next day, I felt like absolute shit at school. I had my head down the majority of the time, not paying attention in class or acknowledging any of my peers or teachers. I even got called into the counseling office because they were worried about me. I didn't say one word and left when school was dismissed. It felt like my throat was in my stomach. Letha died, Peter left, Roman was freaking out, and Shelly was gone. Everything had fallen apart and I wasn't sure if it could ever be put back together.

I walk home, the rain making my hair and clothes soaking wet. I open the door and see my suitcase next to it. I raise my eyebrows and unzip it, spilling my clothes and belongings on the floor.

"Dad?" I call out into the house.

"In here," I hear him answer from the living room.

"Why are my clothes in a suitcase?" I question. He was sitting on the couch, a glass filled with whiskey in his hand as he stared off into nothing.

"You're leaving."

"What?" I ask, my mind suddenly filled with confusion. "Why am I leaving? Where would I go?"

He clears his throat. "Roman stopped by earlier today. We talked and he said you should go live with your aunt in California. I agreed with him and luckily, he already bought you the next plane ticket out of here."

I felt like I was punched in the stomach. My head was spinning and I couldn't breathe. Roman mind controlled my dad and told him to send me away. I couldn't believe he would do that. Why would he do that? I immediately start crying, my body shaking as I struggled to catch a breath. "No, I'm not leaving."

"This isn't up for discussion, Elsie. You are leaving."


"No, Elsie!" He shouts, standing up. "You are getting on the next plane out of here or you will be living on the streets, homeless and alone."

My chest hurt and it felt like I was going to throw up. "Do you really want me to leave?" I ask, hoping to break him out of this. The room fell silent for a moment.


I can't find words. I grab my dad's car keys and run out of the house. The rain pelted on my skin as I struggled to unlock the car door. I quickly drive to Roman's house. I needed to talk to him. I needed to know if he really did this.

I rush into his house, not even bothering to knock. Olivia turns around the corner, her face annoyed. "Roman does not want any visitors at the moment."

"Fuck off," I mutter, going up the staircase. I had a feeling she had something to do with this. She was evil and never liked the idea of Roman and I together. I'm sure she got into his brain while he was hurt and vulnerable.

I had an idea of where he was at. I open the door to the empty attic and there he was, sitting against the wall, smoking a cigarette. Roman glances at me before looking away.

"I thought you would be gone by now."

"So, it's true?" My voice cracks. "You really told my dad to let me go? You really told him that if I don't leave, he will kick me out?!" I begin shouting, the hot tears streaming out of my eyes uncontrollably. It felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest over and over again.

"It's for the best."

"What the fuck, Roman?!" I yell as I walk toward him. "I get it, okay? Letha died, Shelly is missing and Peter left. It fucking sucks. I'm hurting too. But, I can't lose you," I sob and he doesn't even look up. "I love you so much. Please don't do this."

"You need to go," he scolds, standing up. "Right now."


"Elsie, I swear to fucking god," Roman explodes, grabbing onto my forearm tightly. "You better go right fucking now before I pick you up and throw you out."

"Roman," I say through messy tears. "This isn't you."

"I don't love you," he sneers, towering over me. "I never did. All I wanted was to get into your pants. I wanted to ruin you, Elsie."

I shake my head, my chest hurting with each breath I struggled to take. "You don't mean that."

"I don't?!" He screams. I could feel the anger radiating off of his body. "Is that why I've fucked two other girls since I've met you?!"

Just if my heart couldn't break anymore, it did.

"I hate you," I whisper, anger and sadness consuming my body all at once. I begin punching his chest, "I hate you! I hate you! I wish I never fucking met you! You are an ugly person, Roman!"

He grabs my arms tightly, restraining me from continuing. "Don't hit me," he growls as I continue to sob. "Go. Right fucking now. I don't want to see you ever again."

Roman lets me go. I stare at the boy who I hated, yet loved so much. My body hurt and my mind was racing. This is the same man I opened myself up to. This is the man who I let take away something that was special. This is the man that I trusted my life with at one point. This is the man who I thought would never hurt me and love me unconditionally.

I don't say anything and walk away. I was done with Roman and I hoped I never had to see him again, no matter how much I loved him. He said he wanted to ruin me and he succeeded.

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