Chapter 48

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It was the next day and I was waiting for Roman to come home so I could tell him the big news. I had already scheduled an appointment with the doctor for my first ultrasound and that was in a few hours, so I had to tell him now.

I sit waiting on the couch anxiously. He said he had to run to the White Tower to talk to Dr. Pryce, but that was a long time ago. My leg is bouncing nervously until I finally decide to call him.

He answers almost immediately. "Hey, shit, sorry. I got held up with something."

"When are you going to be home?"

"A few hours."

My heart sinks. "Oh," I mutter. "I told you I had something to tell you."

"Can it wait?" Roman asks, his voice laced with annoyance.

"No, actually, it can't," I reply angrily.

"Well, it's going to have to," he grumbles. "Look, I gotta go. I'll be home soon and we go to dinner or some shit like that."

Tears threaten to fall as I swallow a lump in my throat. "You are such a dick."

Before he could say anything else, I hang up. My phone drops and I immediately bury my head in my hands, crying silently. This should be an exciting time moment in our lives, but instead I felt alone. Roman seemed to be always grouchy, Peter was acting crazy, and Destiny was going through her own stuff, and my father was gone. I had never felt so lonely.


"Miss. Monroe," the nurse called into the waiting room. I stand up and smile. "The doctor will see you now."

I follow her down a nicely decorated hallway. It smelt very clean and sanitary. She shows me into a private room and instructs me to lay on the table covered with plastic paper. I see the ultrasound machine and I can't help but feel a little excited to see my baby for the first time.

"So, where is the hubby?" The nurse questions as she takes my blood pressure.

I bite my lip. "He's stuck at work."

"Well, hopefully he will make the next appointment."

I nod and after she does everything, she informs me that the doctor will be in soon. I check my phone, wishing that Roman would have at least tried calling, but I had no notifications.

"How are we doing today?" Dr. Shepard greets with a smile. She was a very pretty lady and I had read many good reviews on her. "Any sickness lately?"

"Good," I tell her. "And I've had trouble keeping food down and I have a lot of nausea."

"Well, nausea is to be expected," she begins, setting up the ultrasound. "What does your diet consist of?"

Uh, blood. I think to myself, but of course I couldn't actually tell her that. I quickly say something else, "I try to stick with healthier foods, but I will eat junk food if I am craving it."

We talk more about my diet and she gives me some tips and advice to help my body keep down food. Dr. Shepard then instructs me to lay down on my back as she puts a cold gel on my stomach. She takes the wand and moves it around and I smile widely as soon as I hear the sound of a heartbeat.

"You are about eight weeks along," she tells me, grinning. "The baby is about the size of a kidney bean! That little sub is an arm," she points at the screen and I'm in awe as I stare at my baby. I couldn't believe I was going to be a mother. I only wished Roman was here to share this amazing moment with me.

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