Chapter 40

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"What are you doing here?"

"I wasn't sure if I would actually be able to do this," Olivia snickers, shaking her head. "Poor Roman was foolish enough to leave you alone."

"What are you talking about?" I ask, feeling slightly panicked. "What do you want?"

"Roman has done nothing, but take things away from me," she hisses. "So, now I am going to take something away from him."

She comes forward and I back up against a table, feeling trapped as she steps closer. "Olivia, please, don't. Whatever you are going to do-"

"I'm not going to kill you!" Olivia laughs. "I'm not that evil. However, I am going to ruin your life."

"What do you-"

Before I can say anything else, her mouth opens, revealing sharp teeth. Her hands grab my shoulders as she sinks her teeth into my neck. I can't scream or do anything. I immediately feel weak and dizzy as she drinks my blood.

After a moment, she releases, pushing my body onto the ground. I don't know what to do. My head was spinning and I knew I was no match for Olivia. She snickers, crouching down besides me. She bites into her skin and pushes her bloody wrist toward my mouth.

"Drink," Olivia demands.

I don't move. Olivia huffs before grabbing onto the back of my head forcefully, pushing my mouth onto her exposed skin. The blood tastes like metal and I cringe as I swallow or else I would choke. Another moment passes and Olivia pulls away.

"What are you doing?" I ask, tears falling from my face.

"Tell Roman that this is gift from his mother."

Olivia grabs my neck and twists it as hard as she can.


I slowly open my eyes. My head was pounding and my vision was blurry. My mouth was dry and I was extremely thirsty. It takes me a moment to realize what happened before everything went black. Olivia did something to me. She snapped my neck. How was I still alive? My heart begins racing and the monitor next to me is beeping erratically.

I was in some sort of hospital room. Tubes were attached to my body and I quickly sit up, ripping them away. I was also in a white hospital gown. The door opens and it is Dr. Pryce.

"Hello there, Miss Monroe," he greets. "Roman will be happy to hear that you have awakened."

"Where is he? Why am I here? What happened?" I ask, feeling extremely panicked. "I-I'm so fucking thirsty." I look around and see a cup full of water on the table next to me. I immediately grab it and chug the liquid. However, I was still thirsty. I look at Dr. Pryce. I felt like I could practically hear his blood running through his veins and I didn't like the feeling it gave me.

"That's common," Dr. Pryce notes. "How else are you feeling?"

"Well, my head feels like it is about to blow up any second," I groan. "Where is Roman?"

"Mr. Godfrey was informed that you woke up, so he should be here any second," he tells me and I feel better knowing that Roman was going to be here soon. I hoped he could tell me what is going on. "How about your hunger? And your eye sight and hearing?"

"Uh," I don't know what to say. "I'm just really thirsty and my head hurts."

I hear footsteps racing down the hallway. I expect to see the door open right away, but it actually takes a few moments. Roman enters the room, his face pale with dark bags under his puffy eyes.

"Fuck," he sighs, immediately taking my face between his hands and kissing me. "I'm so fucking sorry."

"What happened? All I remember is that Olivia was with me last night," I struggle to think about what went down after that. "I-I think she made me drink her blood."

Dr. Pryce interrupts. "That didn't happen last night."

"Give her a fucking minute," Roman spits, glaring at the small man. "Don't you have some science shit to do?"

"It wasn't last night?" I question, puzzled. "How long have I been out?"

Roman shifts uncomfortably on his feet. "Uh, about two weeks."

I sit up abruptly. "Two weeks?! What the hell happened? What about my dad?"

"Elsie," Roman whispers, putting his hand on my shoulder. "There is something you need to know."

"You're upir now," Dr. Pryce interjects and I almost choke, my thoughts frozen in place. I look at Roman with confused eyes.

"I will kill you," Roman threatens. "Leave. Right fucking now before I rip your head off."

Dr. Pryce huffs before walking toward the door. "I'll be back to perform some tests."

"No, you fucking won't," Roman hisses, his eyes glued on me as he talks to Dr. Pryce.

I didn't know what to do or think. I was an upir? I didn't even think that was possible. I figured it had to be in your blood naturally. Was I practically dead? I feel tears brimming in my eyes and I was still insanely fucking thirsty.

"Baby," Roman whispers, wiping my tears away. "She is not going to get away with this, I promise."

I shake my head. I felt like I was going to throw up. I stand up, the rest of the tubes ripping out of my body, but I didn't feel any pain. "I-I need to go."

"Elsie, take it slow for a minute."

"No!" I shout, my eyes blurry from the tears. "I can't do this, Roman. I-I can't be like this. I can't kill anymore people," I sob.

"I'll help you," Roman insists as he reaches for me. "We will figure this out, okay? You don't have to kill anyone."

"Roman, I already wanted to rip Dr. Pryce's head off!" I cry and his face falls. "I need to go."

"Well, so do I," he groans. "Where would you go?"

"I-I need to go see my dad," I said, slowly walking toward the door. My mind was still hazy and each breath I took hurt my chest.

Roman immediately runs over to me, grabbing my shoulders so I am forced to look at him. "Elsie, I really think you should rest."

I brush him off, feeling extremely irritated. "I'm fine, just let me go, okay? My dad is probably worried sick about me."

"Elsie, please."

I ignore his pleads and open the door. I needed to get away, I couldn't be here any longer. I felt like I was in a nightmare and I wanted to wake up. However, the nightmare turned worse as soon as I hear Roman say something. I stop to look at him. He looked broken and his eyes were glassy. He takes a deep breath.

"Your dad," Roman starts, his voice cracking. "He's dead."

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