Chapter 10

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"Roman, I-I, what do I do? Do you think they know about last night? Oh, god. Do they know what we did to Lisa's body?"

"It's okay," he reassures, taking the keys out of the ignition. "Let's just go see what they want."

Hesitantly, I get out of the truck. Roman grabs my hand and we slowly walk toward the house. I open the door and enter the living room. My dad, the scrawny police officer, and a women were sitting on the couch. My dad gives me a death stare and I could tell he was furious.

"You're late, again."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"And you brought a boy with you."

I shift closer to Roman. "Yeah, this is, uh, Roman. Roman, this is my dad."

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Monroe."

He holds his hand out, offering a hand shake, but my dad continues to glare and doesn't move. "Care to explain why these officers are here?"

"Actually, Dr. Chasseur isn't an actual officer," Roman interjects and I shake my head. He was not helping. "She works for fish and wild game."

"Ah," the women, Dr Chasseur, stands up. "Roman Godfrey. I spoke to your friend, Peter the other day."

"Yeah, I heard about that. You asked if he was a werewolf? Kinda ridiculous, don't you think?" Roman scoffs. I felt awkward and uncomfortable.

Dr. Chasseur chuckles and glances between the both of us. "It's not as ridiculous as it sounds," she turns toward me. "Right, Elsie?"

I swallow a lump in my throat. "No, actually. It's pretty damn ridiculous."

"Elsie!" My dad scolds. "Do not swear."

The scrawny police officer stands up. "Lisa Willoughby's grave was dug up. We found some footprints on the scene," he explains and I hold my breath. "Two men and a girl."

Roman glances at me uneasily. I quickly answer, "I was asleep, sir."

"Are you sure?" He pushes and I nod. "What about you, Roman?"

"I was at home."

"That's not what your mother, Olivia, told us," he adds.

Roman takes a deep breath and his fists were closed tightly. "She doesn't know what she is talking about," he sneers. "Olivia is a pathetic liar who has nothing else to do besides create drama in my life."

"Why would your own mother lie about her son?" Dr. Chasseur chimes in. I don't like her, she has a very bad vibe. If she was apart of fish and wild game then what was she doing here? Did she know about Peter? I prayed she didn't or else we would all be in trouble.

"You know what? Let's handle this somewhere else," Roman huffs, walking toward the front door. "Elsie has nothing to do with this."

I give him a look. I was not going to let him take complete blame for this. "Neither does Roman. Whoever did this was probably cracked out on drugs or thought it would be a crazy prank."

"Pretty messed up and thought out prank, don't you think?"

"Elsie, don't talk to them anymore," Roman tells me, his face stern. "They can question me somewhere else."

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