Chapter 27

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Destiny immediately embraces me in her arms. She was wearing a silk robe and had her dark hair in a loose bun. I haven't seen her since the day Letha died, but we had talked on the phone occasionally.

"Hi," my voice cracks. I'm sure I looked like a mess with my ratty hair and smudged make up.

"Are you alright? Come in," she says, grabbing my arm and pulling me into her apartment. It still looked the same, but something seemed off. Peter emerges from around the corner, his lips turning into a smile once he sees me.

"Hey," he greets. I quickly wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face into his shirt. "Whoa, did you miss me that much?"

"Sorry," I chuckle as I pull away, quickly using the sleeve of my shirt to wipe away a fallen tear.

Peter noticed I was crying. "Oh, shit. Are you okay? What happened?"

"Roman," I sigh.

"That bastard," Destiny mutters. "Let's get you some tea, yeah? I got this really good herbal shit that will make you feel better."

She grabs my hand and drags me into the kitchen, Peter closely behind. She begins making the tea as Peter and I sit down at the table.

"So, what did Roman do now?"

I twiddle with my thumbs. "Well, after you left," I glance at Peter. "Roman had a mental breakdown and broke up with me. He said he had fucked two other girls while we were together. Then, he compelled my dad to send me away to live my aunt in California. I-I didn't even want to come back to Hemlock Grove, but my dad is getting married. I ran into Roman at a restaurant one night and we just started talking again. He wanted a second chance so I gave him one," I tell them, sniffling. "Then, I was gone for a night and he was acting so weird and when I got to his house, there's this chick in her underwear wearing his shirt."

Destiny and Peter look each other. "Holy shit," Destiny scolds. "He is a fucking prick. I knew from the start that he was bad news."

"Els, you said he had a mental breakdown," Peter starts. "What was it about?"

I knew I shouldn't mention Nadia, even though I desperately wanted to tell Peter about her. However, Roman said no one can know about her for a reason. "Something with Olivia," I say, technically not lying.

"Do you know what he is?"

They look at me with serious eyes, waiting for an answer. "Yeah," I mumble. "An upir."

"Do you know what that means?"

I shrug. "I know he craves blood and all that weird shit, but that's about it," I say. "How did you guys know he was an upir?"

"I've known since the first day I met him," Peter tells me. "He just didn't know it yet."

"How did you know?"

"I felt it," Destiny interjects, setting a mug down in front of me. "When I first read his palm, I knew."

I turn to Peter. "Is that why you guys were having the same dreams? Are upirs and werewolves connected somehow?"

He thinks for a moment before replying, "I don't think so. But, has Roman mentioned anything about having the strange dreams again?"

"Let it go, Peter," Destiny eyes him carefully. "You seriously need to forget about these dreams."

"How am I suppose to forget about them?" Peter sneers.

"Somehow! Drop it," she sighs. "Just, stay as far away from this as you can."

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