Chapter 5

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The dance abruptly ended when a gigantic snake got into the building. Everyone ran out in fear, screaming wildly. I found Peter, who was intoxicated. I drove him home and helped him onto the couch. He quickly fell asleep and I went home.

I was still confused about Roman. I don't understand why he freaked out the way he did. If he thought I led him on, I didn't. Yeah, we had a serious make out session, but that is about it. The only other times I talked to him were small conversations.

I spent the weekend hanging out with my dad. We went grocery shopping and got some food. He was enjoying his new job, so that made me happy. Monday rolled around, and I was not looking forward to school.

Peter came to my locker as I was gathering things for my next class.

"Hey," he greets, leaning against the wall. "How was your weekend?"

"It was alright," I shrugged. I wasn't sure if I should tell him about Roman. I still didn't know if they were friends or enemies. "What about you?"

"It was okay. Some kids put a wolf mask on a stick and left it in front of my house."

"That's fucked up," I huff as I shut my locker. "Why can't they just leave you alone?"

He shrugs. "I don't know. Will you come to my house after school?" Peter asks and I nod. "There's something I need to show you."

I tell him okay, not knowing what he possibly could have to show me. I head to calculus while Peter goes to his class. I pass Roman on the way there. I want to talk to him and ask if he was still upset, but he quickly walks away when I approach him.

The school day ends. I can't find Peter anywhere, so I figured he already went home. The walk to Peter's was farther than I anticipated, but it wasn't bad. As I approach his house, I notice Roman's red car parked on the side of the dirt road. I immediately consider turning around and going home. I didn't know why Roman would be here.

I decide to go home. As I begin walking away, I hear someone screaming and groaning. My heart starts beating fast as I listen closely. I could tell it was Peter.

I run down the hill toward his house. The groaning becomes louder and I could hear something crack. When I get to the bottom of the hill, I see Roman and Lynda standing in front of Peter, who stood naked as his bones cracked one by one. He was yelling in pain as his body broke.

"What is going on?" I blurted, my head spinning. I felt like I was in a nightmare. What was happening to Peter?

Lynda and Roman turn around, they both look surprised.

"Elsie, what are you doing here?" Lynda questions hesitantly.

I ignore her and watch Peter. His bones looked like they were about to pop out of his skin. "P-Peter and I had plans to hang out after school," I stumble my words. I could feel tears burning in my eyes and I try to push them away. "What is going on? Is he okay?"

"Come here," Lynda motions. She wraps her arm around my shoulders. "Peter is going to be alright, but what you are about to see will be scary at first. But don't be afraid, okay? You're safe."

Unable to speak, I nod. Blood starts coming out of Peter's eyes and he shields them with his hands. His eye balls pop out of his eye sockets and I feel like throwing up. Lynda holds me tighter as I begin to shake in fear.

Peter looks at us. His eyes are now glowing yellow. He hold his hand in front of his face and claws start growing out of the tips of his fingers. His hunched back begins ripping into shreds and I hear Peter growl. He begins tearing off his skin and I watch in horror as his teeth form into sharp canines. A large nose appears through his mouth, his jaw snapping and the skin ripping around it.

The rest of his skin breaks off, revealing a gigantic grey wolf. It begins eating the flesh surrounding it. I turn around, not being able to watch any longer. I stumble a few feet away and throw up.

"Peter?" I hear Roman say.

I hear the wolf snarl and then silence. Someone grabs my hair, holding it back as I continue to throw up.

"Are you okay?"

I finish and turn around, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. It was Roman, his face filled with concern. I shake my head, my body filled with unbearable emotions. I just watched my friend turn into a fucking wolf.

"C'mom, let's get you inside," Lynda says, grabbing my arm. We walk into the house and I sit on the couch, my body still quivering in shock. Roman sits closely next to me.

"Here, drink some of this," he says, grabbing a glass of milk that was sitting on the coffee table. "It will make you feel better."

I push it away. "I don't want any," I whisper. I did not have an appetite after what I just saw.

Roman sighs and sets the glass back down. I continue to stare at my lap, still not able to process what I just witnessed. Roman lifts my chin up and I am forced to look at him. "Hey, it's okay."

"I just watch Peter eat his own skin," I yelped. "He's a fucking wolf. How did that even happen? I didn't even think that was possible. And Brooke! Did he kill Brooke? Is that why you told me to stay away from him?"

"He didn't kill Brooke," Lynda chirps from the other chair. "He hasn't killed any one."

"Well, then who did?"

"That's what we are going to figure out," Roman replies, rubbing my back soothingly. "Because it's not Peter. We think it is something else."

"Like a different wolf?"


I place my head in my hands. What the fuck was going on? I stand up. "I need to go home," I tell Roman and Lynda.

"Elsie, sweetie. You cannot tell anyone about what you just saw," Lynda explains. "If anybody found out, he would be in serious trouble."

"I won't. I promise," I gulped. Even if I did tell anyone, it's not like they would believe me. "Just tell Peter I'll see him tomorrow."

I open the front door and leave. I'm walking up the hill when I hear footsteps trailing behind me. I turn around and see Roman, his face filled with concern.

"Let me take you home."

"No, I'm fine."

"Elsie," Roman pleads. He comes closer and grabs my hands. "I need to talk to you."

I move away. "About what? I have no idea what you want from me, Roman. First, you tell me you want to get to know me. Then, you act like a total dick and pretend I don't even exist."

Roman frowns. "I was pissed off at the dance because you were with Peter. You looked like you were having fun and I wished it was with me," he sighs. "Let me take take you home. Please?"


We get into his vintage red car. It was very nice and clean. He begins driving down the gravel road and I tell him where my house is.

"Did you know?" I ask, moving my eyes away from the window to look at him. "That Peter was a werewolf?"

"I wasn't sure," he replies. He glances over at me before focusing on the road again. "It wasn't until my mom hinted it. Then, Peter and I talked. I asked him if I could watch."

"He told me today at school that he needed to show me something. That's why I was there. I figured it was just some cool gypsy shit."

He chuckles slightly and continues to drive. I still wasn't feeling better and I could see my reflection in the side mirror. My mascara had smudged and my face my red and puffy. I knew that if my dad saw me like this, I would be asked endless questions until he finally got his answer.



"Can we go to your house or something?" I ask, biting my lip. "I just don't want to go home. My dad is probably home from work and I know-"

"Of course," he interrupts, a sympathetic smile placed on his lips. I don't say anything as he turns the car around and heads toward his house.

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