Chapter 11

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Roman picks me up for school the next day, but of course we don't go. We go get Peter before parking in front of a gigantic house. It looked like an old, elegant mansion with balconies and nice cars in the driveway. It was Lisa Willoughby's house.

"What are we doing here?" I ask from the backseat.

"Destiny was able to contact Lisa," Peter tells me. "She mentioned something about an invitation, so we are going to look for it."

"We are going to break into her house? Then go through her room?" I say in disbelief. First, we dig up her grave and cut her open. Now, we are going to go through her room. It felt extremely wrong and terrible.

"It's the only way," Roman answers, looking at me from the backseat. "Let's go."

He gets out of the car, shutting the door behind him. Peter and I watch as he walks up the driveway. We quickly get out and follow him.

"Hey!" Peter whisper shouts behind him. "We were going to wait until they left!" Roman goes to a side door and knocks loudly. "Roman! Asshole, what the fuck?" Peter scoffs.

Roman just smirks. The door opens a few moments later, revealing a middle aged man. "Mr. Willoughby. We're here about Lisa."

"This isn't a good time," he mumbles while shaking his head.

"Mr. Willoughby," Roman repeats, looking into his eyes and I knew he was about to do that weird mind control thing. "You're exhausted. You should really take a nap."

We watch as he slowly goes back into the house. He lays on the floor and closes his eyes, immediately falling asleep. How could Roman do that? I wait for his nose to start bleeding. I noticed it was a pattern.

"In case you were wondering, cops call this shit breaking and entering," Peter grumbles. He seemed grumpy today.

"Was it ever gonna be be anything else?"

"I'm just saying," Peter scoffs. "There's a right way and then there's the foolish way. Don't ever do it that way again."

Peter pushes past Roman and goes into the house. I look at Roman who just shrugs and follows him. We go through a very nice kitchen and Roman's nose starts bleeding. His grabs a cloth and begins wiping the trickling blood away.

"Does it hurt?" I ask.

"You wouldn't notice if a bus hit you," he chuckles as we go up a windy staircase.

"All right, let's just do this and get out of here," Peter mumbles.

"In here," Roman motions us toward a large purple bedroom. It had posters hanging on the walls along with a various medals and ribbons pinned to a cork board. They immediately start going through the dresser and closet while I look at the framed photos she had placed around the room. It was heartbreaking, looking at Lisa smiling or laughing in the photos. It was tragic that she died so young.

"Find anything?"

"Not yet, you?"

Roman opens up another drawer. "Hmm," he sings and grabs some pink panties with a bunny tail on the back. "Elsie, you would look hot in these."

"Roman," I chuckle slightly and Peter raises his eyebrows. "Put those back."

"Hippity-hop," he smirks before placing them into the drawer.

"Cool, Roman Godfrey in my house."

We all jump in surprise and turn around. A girl was standing in the doorway, her hands crossed in front of her. I look at Peter and Roman hesitatingly.

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