Chapter 1

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Four words.

Four words can change the course of your whole life.

Maybe that's why she was sitting in the diner, listening to Lorelai ramble on about something or other, avoiding saying them. 

Well, it was now or never...which definitely isn't an option.  Her mom expected her to be getting on a bus and that definitely wasn't an option either. 

She took a deep breath, "mom."


Her heart was pounding in her ears, "I'm pregnant."

Well there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, the words that could render The Lorelai Gilmore speechless.  Luke had been walking up to the table behind Rory and immediately turned around and went back into the kitchen.

So they sat there in silence.  Lorelai's jaw was even hanging open.

"You know if you don't close your mouth, a fly is gonna buzz right in will immediately be known as the old lady who swallowed a fly at only 39!"

Lorelai glared, "forgive me if it takes a couple minutes to form a coherent sentence when my 22 year old daughter tells me she's pregnant right before she is supposed to get on a bus to go follow Senator Obama all over the United States."  She let out a breath, "so, first things first, have you decided if you're keeping it?"

Luke walked over and sat down next to Rory and took Rory's hand in one of his and Lorelai's in the other.  "I'm in this too."

Both women nodded and then Rory answered her mom, "it's mine and Logan's baby.  There was never a moment that I thought I wouldn't."

"Well, that answers the second question too.  On to number three, what now?"  Lorelai watched her daughter closely. 

"We're with you no matter what kid," Luke told her.

Strange how after the time apart, her mom and Luke seemed like they hadn't skipped a beat. 

"Well, I need to call Hugo.  I could start the campaign trail, but I obviously wouldn't be able to finish it.  If I were Hugo, I wouldn't want to switch writers part way through, so I guess I tell him I can't and then start looking for a new job."

Luke was the next, "so what about Logan?"

She fought the tears that were threatening and thought about that one, "well, when I got up this morning and realized that I was late, I ran to the drugstore and bought several tests.  After they all came out positive, I called him, but it went straight to voicemail.  His phone must be off or something."

"But you're gonna tell him?"  He asked her.

She nodded, "of course.  I couldn't do that.  I guess the first thing I need to do now is call Hugo.  After that I'll try Logan again.  If he doesn't answer this time, then I'll leave a voicemail."

Luke and Lorelai nodded, and Rory left to make the first call. 

Luke looked at Lorelai, "get it out."

"I'm 39 years old, and I'm gonna be a grandma.  My 22 year old daughter is pregnant.  She's just out of college, single, presumably jobless, and pregnant."  She let out a deep breath. 

"Hey, she has us.  Always.  I know what you're thinking," he said looking at her.  "You're thinking she's just like you were, but she's not, she is older, she has a degree, and she has us.  Even if that is all, it's a lot more than you had."

He got up and hugged her tight for a few minutes.

Rory went back to the house and called Hugo. 

"Rory, getting ready to get on that bus?"  He answered.

Rory took a deep breath, better to just dive in, "well, there has been a change of plans actually."


"Can I trust that this information stays between us?"  She didn't want Logan to find out from anyone but her.

"Of course."

"I found out this morning that I'm pregnant.  I'm sure you realize that a bus is no place for a pregnant woman, so I'm afraid I have to turn down the job.  I'm really sorry for the late notice."

"Hey don't worry about it, sounds like you've got enough on your plate as it is.  Would I be right in assuming who the dad is?"


"Well, then I know you have plenty of things to work through.  Good luck Rory.  You're a vey talented writer.  If I have any freelance pieces available, can I call you?"

"Absolutely, thank you for understanding," she said and ended the call.  She heard the door open and went to see her mom coming into the kitchen. 

"How did it go?" she asked Rory.

"Really good actually.  He said he will call me if he ever has any freelance pieces," Rory said trying to smile. 

"Hey, come here.  It won't be easy but you can do this.  You have a lot of people in your corner," she said as she hugged her. 

"Thanks mom.  I guess it's time to try Logan again."

"What are you gonna say if there is no answer again?"

"I guess just to call me?"  Truth be told, she would like to just blurt it out and be done with it, but telling your ex-boyfriend whose proposal you had just turned down that you're pregnant is not something to do over the phone, let alone over voicemail. 

They sat down at the kitchen table, and Lorelai held Rory's hand.  She dialed his number and waited.  Straight to voicemail again. 

"Logan, it's Rory.  Please call me.  Thanks."

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