Chapter 15

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When they pulled up to Richard and Emily's house, they were both nervous. 

Rory wasn't sure why she was nervous.  They had always loved Logan...even fantasized about what their kids would look like.  Now, though, the reality probably wasn't at all what they had pictured.  Rory's life had lay in ruins for awhile after she found out about the pregnancy.  They had tried to help her find Logan and failed.  He hadn't wanted to be found.  She was afraid these things might make them look on him poorly.  It's not that these things weren't a big deal, or that they had truly sorted through everything yet even.  It just couldn't change the fact that Rory loved him and wanted to make a family with him.  He was the only man that she had truly given all of her heart to.

Logan was nervous because this wasn't going at all like he had planned. They were supposed to be engaged in May...looking back now, knowing that she had already been pregnant at the time, things still would have been messy. Hopefully Richard and Emily wouldn't hold his absence against him and look at the positive...he was here now and he was never leaving again. He would make them see that.

Logan held Rory's hand while they waited for the maid to answer the door. When she did, she led them to the living room where they waited for Richard and Emily.

Rory looked at Logan and saw the nerves, "hey, it's ok, they love you...maybe more than me."

"They loved me before I left...everything is different now Ace. I abandoned my pregnant girlfriend," he told her.

"No, you wanted to marry me and I wasn't ready so we broke up. Neither of us knew anything about the baby Logan."

"But I acted like a little kid and ran away from my problems."

She could see the guilt all over his face. She knew it would take him time to truly forgive himself for missing the last six months, but she would do everything in her power to make sure that he did. "Look, even if I agreed with everything you have said, it is for us to work through, not them. What we need them to know is that, despite the last six months, we are together, we are going to get married, and that we are having this baby together, as a family. Ok?"

He nodded right as Richard and Emily walked in.

Both looked surprised to see him, Emily finally said, "well Logan, what a surprise! When the maid said it was Rory and a gentleman we just assumed it was Finn. We didn't know you were back yet." She gave Richard a look that confused Logan.

Rory chuckled and said, "don't worry, your information network is still working. He only got back last night, and I don't think Mitchum and Shira told anyone. We have already been to see them."

Richard chuckled, "well that's a relief! I would hate to think that we weren't getting updated as we should! What would everyone like to drink?"

He was already making Emily a drink, Logan and Rory both asked for club soda. Once the drinks were served and everyone was sitting, Emily finally asked, "so, you got back yesterday Logan? Where did Mitchum find you?"

"Yes ma'am, Cabo."

"And are you going to stay put now?"

"Grandma!" Rory exclaimed. She really expected them to be over the moon the second they saw them together.

Richard took the lead, "Rory you have been on your own for six months, pregnant, and living with Finn. Did you really expect us to not be a little apprehensive about his sudden reappearance?"

"Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore, if I may," Logan began, "I realize that I have missed a lot. But I can assure you that if I had known Rory was pregnant I would have been right by her side, whether she wanted me to be or not. I was devastated when I found out what I had missed out on, and I am setting it right."

Emily looked at him skeptically, "how?"

"I asked Rory to marry me again last night."

Richard and Emily looked at each other, he asked, "and?"

"Well Grandpa And does Rory Huntzberger sound?" Rory asked them.

They looked at each other again, seemingly communicating with each other silently. Emily finally spoke, "are you sure?" Rory nodded. "Because six months ago, you wanted the opposite...this isn't just because of the baby?"

Rory looked at Logan, neither of them had expected Richard and Emily to be the ones to question their decision. She took his hand and squeezed it firmly then looked back at her grandparents, "I've never been more sure of anything in my life. Sometimes it takes something big to make you see that you made a mistake." She looked back at Logan, "I let my head scare my heart out of what it wanted. Now I know exactly what I want, my heart and my head finally agree. This is all that I ever want for the rest of my life."

He leaned in and kissed her. She was slowly pushing away all of his doubts. He kept worrying that maybe she didn't really want it, that maybe it was the hormones and the baby talking, but every time he heard the conviction in Rory's voice when she talked about marrying him, he worried a little less. They broke the kiss, and he lifted her left hand to show Richard and Emily the ring. "I wish I could change it, but the last six months are not for nothing. They showed us both how much we need each other. Rory and I will not be apart again. She is the love of my life and I won't be letting her go."

"Alright then," Richard began, but Emily took over.

"Get some sparkling cider dear, we need to toast!"

Logan put his arm around Rory and pulled her close with a big smile on his face. That wasn't exactly what he expected from Richard and Emily, but he would be damned if anyone was going to keep him from being with his girl and their baby. Fighting for her was the easiest thing in the world to him.

Richard returned with four flutes of sparkling cider. "To Logan and Rory!"

They talked a little bit more about their apartment and their jobs before it was time to head home.

Once they were in the car, they both looked at each other a little wide eyed.

"I can't believe that my grandparents were harder on us than your parents!"

Logan chuckled, "I know, I was starting to get worried." He started the car then took her hand in his. "So, time to head home I guess?"

Rory nodded. "We should see if my dad can meet us tomorrow night to tell him though. He'll understand that we couldn't fit him in today, but I don't want to leave him out."

"How's he taking all of this?" Logan hadn't gotten far enough to wonder if Luke or Christopher wanted to kill him for getting Rory pregnant and then being unreachable.

"He's alright...he would have hired a PI if grandpa and grandma hadn't. He would have gotten the apartment too. I just don't want him to feel like he's taking care of the daughter that's following in his footsteps," she admitted quietly.

"Hey, you are doing great. In spite of the circumstances you were in, you got a good job, you found a place to live. And yes I know it's with Finn but that was just as much for safety as anything else." He pulled over and pulled her to him, "are you worried that he's disappointed?"

She nodded, "in a weird way, I think I'm more worried about disappointing him than Mom...he paid for Yale and he thought I saw all of their mistakes and learned from them. I don't want him to think it was all for nothing."

"Rory, that man is so proud of you. Every time I saw him with you, his pride in you showed loud and clear. I just hope he's not disappointed in me."

"Logan do you remember some of the things I told you he did?" He nodded. "He will probably understand you the most. He loved and lost a Gilmore girl."

He nodded, gave her a kiss, and then got back on the road. Rory called her dad and set up supper for the next night.

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