Chapter 10

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They finished getting ready and headed out. Logan had to remind himself not to be jealous of the small, seemingly intimate movements between Finn and Rory. They had lived together for several months, even slept in the same bed sometimes, if he understood right. It's hard to imagine Finn doing that without making a move, but he trusted his friend. He would just have to get used to the bond that they had developed in his absence.

They arrived at the restaurant, and he reached out for Rory's hand. She put it in his just like no time or heartache had passed between them. He was inherently blessed. He had been sure that his life was taking a turn for the worst when she said no to him in May. Turns out, you can't plan nearly as much as you might think. He had cried for the months he missed with her and now he would move past it and be thankful for this second chance.

They got to the private room with all of their friends.  Everyone was happy to see him...see them. 

Honor came up to him and gave him a hug, "alright little brother, let's do this right.  I've missed you, I'm glad your back.  You missed a few things you know," she leaned in and whispered, "I think Colin and Stephanie are hooking up," she said with a wink.

Logan grinned, leave it to his sister to rip him a new one, put him on the right path, and then joke like the two pregnant women in the room weren't the biggest developments.  "Oh my god, are you sure? I can't believe you kept it from me," then he leaned in, "thank you for earlier.  I love you."  He kissed her on the cheek then focused on the others. She just nodded to him.

Rory was happy to be with her friends and have Logan back.  As much as she wanted to be alone with him, she knew having a little space might be a good thing...not to jump in too fast. 

He had taken her hand when they got out of the car and the same old sparks ran up her arm.  Those sparks had scared the crap out of her when they first met, had worried her during the time that they were broken up because they wouldn't go away, but now they comforted her.  She knew that they would never lose that. 

They talked with their friends.  Logan tried to figure out everything that he had missed in the last six months. 

Colin and Stephanie were definitely doing something behind closed doors but seemed to think they were hiding it well...they weren't.

He noticed that Finn definitely kept a watchful eye on Rory. He knew he needed to talk to him about it, so when he saw Finn go to the bar, he followed him.

"Hey man, how's it going?"

"Lot better now that you're back, mate."

"Thanks. Sorry for assuming that about the two of you earlier. I should have known better. And thank you for taking care of her. It really sucks knowing that I missed all of this, but you being here...I can't tell you how much it means."

"Hey, brother, there's no need. That's what we do."

"Well I'm sorry I wasn't around to do it."

"I don't need an apology. I'm used to this...she's not yet, and I hope she never will be. know how serious this is right?  No more crazy stunts when something bad have a baby on the way and a woman who needs you."

"I know, I've done a lot of stupid things over the years, but I can't live like that anymore."

Finn stared at him for a moment, then grinned and said, "good, because a pregnant roommate is a serious cockblock!"

"Ha! She just said tonight that you were always with her or at work, she didn't know where you found the time to get any...then she realized what she said."

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