Chapter 2

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Rory was sitting at home, having a Full House marathon when her mom walked in. 

"Hi honey, how's it going?"

"Same as when you sent Babette over to check on me.  I almost told her so she would quit asking why you're so worried about me."  Rory rolled her eyes.  She had been sick a lot the last few days.  Morning sickness had hit with a vengeance. 

"Well quit puking your guts out, and I'll quit worrying," she answered with a raised eyebrow. 

"Well sending Babette and Luke over each twice a day isn't going to make me puke any less."

"I know, but at least I know you aren't passed out on the bathroom floor.  You've got to eat kid."  She sat down and put her arm around her daughter. 

"I know.  I'm just tired of throwing it back up."

"You need to schedule a doctor's appointment.  See about getting something to help with the nausea.  You're losing weight."

"I know, but I really wanted Logan to be there with me."

"I know hon, but I'll go with you.  We'll write down everything and record it if we hear the heartbeat, ok?"

Rory nodded and let the tears flow.  She was almost eight weeks along.  It had been two weeks since she left the voicemail for Logan.  She had tried calling many more times, but it always went straight to voicemail.  She wanted him by her side.  This was something they should be doing together.  The hormones only made her emotions worse. 

"Honey, maybe you should try to get to him through someone else..."

"Mom, we've talked about this.  I want him to be the next one to know."

"I know, but what if he never calls back?  I think you need to call-"


"I come from a land down under-"

"We're not gonna do this again are we?"

"Where beer does flow and men chunder, can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder, you better run, you better take cover."

"Fine!  I'll call him."

Lorelai grinned.  She had been trying to get Rory to call Finn since Logan wasn't responding.  After a week and a half of Lorelai singing Men at Work, Rory had finally cracked. Finn had been calling and leaving messages ever since graduation, but Rory hadn't been ready to talk to him.

Honestly? She still wasn't ready, but she had to get ahold of Logan.

First, she called and scheduled an OB appointment in Hartford for Monday. Since
she was already eight weeks, they squeezed her in. That meant she had a few days to get ahold of Finn before she went.

She called Finn next.

"Love! I was about to send out the troops to find you! Where have you been?"

Despite the messed up circumstances, she was able to smile at Finn's words. She responded, "still in Stars Hollow, Finn, the search wouldn't have been too hard."

"Last I heard, you were supposed to be on a bus. What happened kitten?"

"Plans changed. Listen, I really need to talk to you, can we meet somewhere?"

"Sure, I'm actually on my way to New Haven. Rich Man's Shoe in an hour?"

"Sure. I'll see you there. Thanks Finn."

"See you soon love."

She hung up and told her mom that she was headed out. She changed her clothes, fixed her ponytail, and threw on some light makeup. Hopefully she wasn't too pale.

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