Chapter 14

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They started with his parents.  They weren't sure what the reaction would be, and Logan still didn't know where his father would be placing him within HPG.  When he had made the deal to come back, he honestly didn't care where he ended up, he just wanted the time to be alone and the agreement would allow him that freedom.  So now, he would find out while they were there. 

His dad was always a wild card but knowing now that he had come and pulled Logan out of his abyss at Rory's request gave him a new respect.  He couldn't say that he appreciated his method, but he also knew that he probably wouldn't have listened to anything else.

They got to the house and made their way into the living room.  His mom showed up first.

"Logan, honey, I'm so glad you're back!" She gave him a hug and went over to the drink cart.  Then she placed a drink next to his father's chair, handed Logan a scotch, Rory a club soda, and sat down with her wine.  "Rory, sweetie, you look great.  I swear I was a whale when I was pregnant!"

"No you weren't dear," Mitchum said as he walked in and sat down in his chair.  "Logan, you look a damn sight better than the last time I saw you.  And Rory, you look well, I trust you're taking good care of my grand baby?"

She smiled at Mitchum, somehow, she had gotten used to his parents...when the hell had that happened? "Of course I have.  This baby is a Huntzberger after all." 

Logan didn't miss the look between his parents.  It was something close to warmth.  He figured it was as good a time as any so he took Rory's hand, "Mom, Dad, it took some time to get on the right track.  I know that I have you guys to thank for that as well, but, most importantly, it's Rory. She makes me a better person, and I can only hope to have, even a fraction of, the same effect on her.  I asked her to marry me last night, and she said yes."

Shira jumped up and hugged Rory, and Mitchum got up and shook Logan's hand and patted him on the back.  Logan was shocked.  A few years ago, they had both done everything in their power to break them up.  A baby really could change everything!

Mitchum was pouring champagne.  "Just a little bit is ok Rory," he said as he passed glasses around.  Rory's had considerably less in it, which eased Logan's worry. 

Shira stood and took Mitchum's hand in hers.  Logan felt like he was in an episode of The Twilight Zone, but it was kind of nice. 

"Logan, Rory," Mitchum began, "the road has not been easy.  You have been met with resistance from us, as well as others.  That stops now.  We will support you in everything we can from here on out.  We can only hope for you two to have a strong marriage and an even stronger family together."

Shira then spoke up, "this baby may not have been planned, but it has managed to set things right.  It is an immense blessing to all of us.  Rory, welcome to the family.  Congratulations to both of you."

They all drank, and then Logan knew it was time to talk to his dad.  "Dad, can we talk business for a few minutes?"

Mitchum nodded, and they went to his study and sat down in the matching leather chairs.

"Dad, I know the agreement was that you could put me anywhere you wanted when I came back, but you know things are different now..."

Mitchum stared into his drink for long enough that Logan was starting to worry about the answer. "Son, we've been through this over and over, haven't we? Something bad happens and you leave. I knew how hard it was going to be this time, so I didn't bother pushing you to come back. Believe it or not, I do have a heart. When Rory came to us and told us everything...I asked what she wanted. She said she wanted me to find you and bring you home. It wasn't easy Logan, your staff has become very loyal to you and couldn't give two shits about what I say. Even your leaving didn't change that. The second you came back, they wanted to be back on your service. I've come to realize that that's just one more thing that shows me you will be a great leader of our company. I think that you know now, with a baby on the way and a soon-to-be wife, that it is time to begin taking over. You will be at our main office in New York City. If, some day, you decide to come back to Hartford, that is always an option as well. It's no secret that your mother and I have made mistakes, but, in spite of them, I am proud of the man you have become. It's time to put the past behind us and move forward."

Logan was a little awed...his father had just said he was proud of him. It didn't even seem like an underhanded ploy to get his way. He would finally be working his way towards taking over as CEO...knowing his father, it would be quite some time. The best part, though, was that both he and Rory would be working in the city. "Thanks Dad."

Meanwhile, Rory and Shira were deep in discussion about plans now that Logan was back. As soon as the men left, Shira moved next to Rory on the couch. "So, what now?"

Rory exhaled a deep breath, "I'm not even sure.  I held off on so many things because he was gone...where do I start?"

"Well, there is the apartment. You have two weeks until it's available right?" Rory nodded and waited for Shira to continue. "So there isn't much you can do except meet with an interior designer and get planning. I know you like to do things yourself, but time is of the essence. Maybe we could even convince the seller to let someone start work in there as long as you aren't actually living there?"

"I guess whatever is possible needs to be done..."

"So that takes care of the apartment, and I assume Finn is ok with keeping you a little longer...if not, I'm sure we can get a hotel for you."

"No, Finn's fine with it."

"Ok, what are you thinking of for a wedding date?"

"Well...I want to be married to Logan, but I don't think we can get something together before the baby comes and then we'll want to get settled in after it gets here. That pushes it a little ways away. I know it's not ideal..."

Shira took her hand, "Rory, we are so far past worrying about ideal. Of course it would be nice to be doing all of this in a different order, but things have a way of working themselves out. This baby has already done great things while it's still in the womb. Logan and Mitchum are talking work, and I don't here yelling. You and I are sitting here talking together about you marrying my son. You live with Finn and haven't slept with him for God's sake! Many things have changed, and almost all of them are for the better. So we won't focus on the wedding quite yet, but rest assured that Emily, your mother, and I can make it happen when you are ready to make decisions. That leaves baby," Rory swore she saw a tear starting in Shira's eyes, "are you going to find out what you're having?"

Logan and Mitchum walked back in at that moment. Logan must have heard Shira's question because he answered before Rory could, "why not find out when the technology is there, right Ace?" He said with a wink.

She smiled, "yes, we will find out as soon as possible."

Shira squeezed Rory's hand, she noticed how both Rory and Logan looked considerably happier when they were in the same room together.  "Alright then, that will make it easier on the designer too. I guess you two probably want to head on to the Gilmore's?"

Both nodded and said their goodbyes. They got into the car before Logan finally spoke, "ok, who the hell are they and what did you do with my parents while I was gone?"

"Honestly? The second they found out I was pregnant...something changed. Your mom has been great and so has your dad really...I was worried the shock might send me into early labor," she joked.

He turned to her and took her hands, "I'm gonna stay in New York with you, Ace. He wants me to start at the main office. We won't have to worry about anything." He kissed her with everything he had. His life felt more right in this moment than ever before.

He let her go, turned and started the car, and then said, "the only bad thing now is that marrying you isn't rebellion anymore...makes it a little less satisfying."

She saw the mischievous smile on his face and knew he was joking but couldn't resist slapping him on the shoulder, "Logan!"


Author's note:

I don't usually do author's notes because I like to focus on the story, but I needed to get a little something out this time.  We had to put our ten year old "puppy" down this week so it has been a rough few days.  I needed a happy chapter, and I don't really know how to channel Mean Mitchum and Shira.  Plus I think it's time that they get over themselves! I hope you like it, and it doesn't seem too strange! 

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