Chapter 22

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When Rory stepped out of her room, she saw Finn instead of Logan. He turned around, and she watched his jaw drop.

"Oh come on, I'm a pregnant lady in a dress and flats," she said rolling her eyes.

He just shook his head, "Love, if only you could see what we do. I would run away with you in a heartbeat if you would have me," he said with a wink.

"Oh Finn, you know I love you?"

He nodded and smiled, "I love you too. And that's why it's time to put this on," he pulled out a blindfold, "and see what he has in store for you."

Being with Logan this long, Rory wasn't surprised by the blindfold at all. She just chuckled and nodded, "ok, but careful with the hair."

He put the blindfold on her, took her arm in his, and led her out the door. To Rory's surprise, they didn't go far before they stopped. She was fairly certain that he had brought her to their new apartment. He opened the door and brought her in, waited a moment while she heard feet shuffling, and then took off the blindfold.

She looked around. They were definitely in her apartment. The designer was supposed to have almost everything set up by now. Instead, some things were set up, but in front of the fireplace, where there was supposed to be a couch, was a long white runner. It led to Robert, Colin, and, of course, Logan. Around the huge room that had a kitchen, dining area, and living room, she could see that some furniture had been moved in, but the lights were all off. There were twinkle lights all over the living room, the fire was lit, and candles all over the floor. She also noticed a photographer camped out in one corner taking pictures.

"Well, Love, would you allow your maid of honor to walk you down the aisle?" He asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"I can't think of anything more fitting."

She took a deep breath and put her arm back in his. They walked down the aisle to the three men. She turned to Logan and took his hands while Finn stood next to her and Colin on the other side of Logan.

"You look amazing," he said to her.

"You don't look so bad yourself," she leaned forward and kissed him lightly.

"Alright you two, let's get you married and then you can do as much of that as you want!" Robert said with a smirk.

They both nodded at him, and Logan said, "better get to it then."

Robert's grin disappeared and he looked very serious, "Well, I was trying to decide the best way to do this, and I know that neither of you worry too much about the traditional ways. So, I thought we would keep this simple. I have never known two people that balanced each other out more perfectly than the both of you. This union has been a long time coming and now we will have a little girl to celebrate your love even more. Some might even call her your savior."

By this time, everyone was tearing up, so Robert decided to cut to the chase. "Lorelai Leigh Gilmore, do you take Logan Huntzberger to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do you part?"

"I do."

"Logan Elias Huntzberger, do you take Lorelai Gilmore to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do you part?"

"I do."

Robert pulled out the rings and handed them to Logan and Rory to put on each other. "Place these rings on each other's fingers as a sign of your love for each other." 

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