Chapter 23

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The next morning, they lounged around the suite, eating breakfast and relaxing. Then they checked out around noon and met everyone for lunch.

Everyone was excited that they were finally married, and not as upset about missing it once they found out about the anniversary celebration that they were planning.

When they got to the apartment, everything had been moved in, and it appeared that the interior decorator had put in overtime to get it all ready. Over the next two weeks, their friends came over every evening after work to help unpack and get the baby's room ready.

Rory thought she would be exhausted with everything going on, but everyone made sure that she wasn't. They had all insisted she sit direct them to what needed to be done. She hadn't missed how incredibly blessed she was to have these people in her life.

The Huntzbergers, Gilmores, and Danes had come on the weekend to talk about plans for the vow renewal. The women got a feel for what Rory and Logan liked and then they weren't to be disturbed.

It was very early morning on a Monday, about two weeks after moving in and everything had been unpacked. It seemed that the baby knew they were finally ready, because Rory woke up with contractions that were much more intense than the Braxton Hicks that she had been feeling on occasion. She woke Logan about half an hour later and told him that it was time to go to the hospital.

The second he understood what she was saying, he went into Dad mode, got her bag and everything into their SUV, and they were on the way to the hospital.

They checked in quickly and once they got to their room, he started notifying the people that needed to know right away. "Ok, I called Lorelai, and she is on her way. I'm going to wait until morning to call Honor, but I texted Josh. He said he will keep it to himself so she can sleep. Shira is going to wait until morning since your mom is already headed here. Emily is going to head this way in a couple hours, she wants Richard to get a little more sleep. Finn should be here-"

"Don't worry love! I'm here!"

"anytime now," he finished chuckling.

"Why didn't you just wake me on your way out of the building Logan?" He asked.

"Because I wanted to get Rory settled before inviting the cavalry."

"Finn, it's ok, the contractions are regular but not that close together yet. I just knew I wouldn't be able to sleep at home anymore so I told him we should come. I'm around a 4. The doctor said I could have waited, but it's ok that we came in. Since I'm not extremely close yet, can you dim the lights Logan and I'll try and get a little more rest please?"

She got a couple more hours. When contractions came, she would stir a little and then go back to sleep. Logan and Finn were on the couch, but they didn't look like they were sleeping. Lorelai came in at some point and sat down with them. Around seven that morning, the doctor came in to check on her. She was dilated to a six. The contractions were getting stronger and closer together, so Rory was struggling to go back to sleep.

Around eight, everyone else came to check on her, from Emily, Richard, Shira, and Mitchum to Josh, Honor, and all of their friends.

People cleared out and came to check on her sporadically, but Logan, Finn, and Lorelai stayed the whole time.

After a couple more hours, the doctor checked her and said she was very close. Finn decided he had better get out and leave it to Logan and Lorelai, but asked for a couple minutes alone with her before he left, so they cleared out.

He pulled a chair up to the bed and took her hand, "Alright Love, you're in good hands, don't want too many cooks in the kitchen after all. I just wanted to tell you how proud of you I am. It may have seemed like a long emotional pregnancy, but you have done so well. I don't know anyone stronger than you. So when it's time, you take all of that strength and use it so we can all meet that beautiful little girl that is just waiting to wrap us all around her finger ok?"

She wiped her tears and pulled him in for a hug. "Thank you Finn," she whispered and then he left.

Logan came back in and noticed her tears eyes, "hey, everything ok? Do I need to punch Finn for making you cry?"

"No, I'm pretty sure he had tears too so consider him punished."

"Alright, how are you feeling? Need anything?"

"I think I'm ready for the epidural."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded, "is that ok?"

"Are you kidding me? I wish I could do this for you Ace, but I can't. You have been amazingly strong, so asking for a little help? Perfectly ok. I'll go tell the nurse." He leaned in and gave her a kiss then left.

Lorelai came back in, "hoping to lessen the impact of that dynamite huh?"

"Something like that."

"Well I can't say I blame you, it does make it a little easier."

"Thanks Mom."

Soon after the epidural, the doctor came in and decided it was time to push. The contractions were close together and intense, but the doctor and nurses coached her on how to work with the contractions and after about an hour of pushing, they finally heard a high pitched cry.

Rory watched as they brought the baby up into her view. She was beautiful. She waited while they cleaned her up so that she could hold her. Logan squeezed her hand and then went over to them and the baby.

A couple minutes later, he turned around with their baby in his arms. Rory could see the absolute love on his face while he was looking at their daughter. He brought her over to Rory and placed her in her arms.

Suddenly, all Rory saw was the three of them together. She looked down at her daughter and the love that swelled in her heart was almost overwhelming. The doctor and nurses milled around, taking care of her, while the two of them stared down at the perfect baby that they had made.

"I checked Ace, ten fingers, ten toes. She perfect, you did good." He leaned down and kissed Rory on the forehead first and then the baby and then wiped away the tears in his eyes.

"WE did good. She's beautiful."

"Do you think I might be able to get a snuggle?" Lorelai asked.

"Of course," Logan said while Rory nodded.

Rory handed her to Lorelai, "how does it feel Grandma?"

Lorelai stares at the baby girl in her arms, and smiled, "I thought I was going to hate that name, but it feels just right.  Oh congratulations you two.  She is absolutely perfect.  Do you think that she will ever understand the profound way she changed our lives?"

Rory took Logan's hand, "probably not, but that's ok."

The nurse stepped in and asked if they could check a couple more things before Rory tries to feed her.  Lorelai gave her to the nurse. 

"Well, Ace, should I go make the announcement?"

Rory nodded.  "Mom, will you stay?"

"Sure honey."

Logan walked out into the waiting room and was immediately stunned by the amount of people there, in addition to his parents, Rory's grandparents, and the guys, there was Josh, Honor, Lane, Zach, Luke, Christopher, Paris, Doyle, and the girls.  Everyone got up when they saw him.

"We've got a perfect baby girl!  No name yet.  They are checking her over, but she's perfect!"

They all ran up to give hugs and congratulations, and he promised that everybody would get a turn.  He went back to his wife and found them working on getting the baby to latch on. 

Lorelai stood up, "Alright you two, I'm going to give you some time."

"Thanks Lorelai," Logan said and hugged her on her way out.

After the baby started eating, Rory looked at Logan, "you know we never got around to the name?"

"I know, any ideas?"

" mom's middle name is Victoria...I was thinking that she looks like a Tori..."

"I love it.  Middle name?"

"Well, there was one person that always thought we would make the cutest blonde haired, blue eyed babies..."

"Victoria Emily Huntzberger.  Perfect."  He smiled and kissed his wife and daughter. 

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