Chapter 6

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Rory had hit six months. She had told people at work, and everyone was happy for her. In the almost three months there, she had grown close to a few women and confided in them the situation. It was nice to have people that have your back.

Her friends had been spending a lot of time with her, and it was nice because she felt like it gave Finn a break too. In addition to the immediate group, she had finally told Paris and Lane too.

Paris had offered to track him down and tie his balls up until he came to his senses and came home. Rory had no doubt that she meant it. She politely declined on the grounds of wanting more children in the future if things worked out.

Lane was exactly what Rory expected, happy and sad for her. Happy to have a friend that she could share motherhood with, but sad that she couldn't find Logan. If anyone understood what looked like an unlikely match on the outside but was actually perfect on the inside, it was Lane. She and Zach were rarely without conflict. The burned hot just like Logan and Rory, but they had taken that flame and turned it into something real and lasting. Rory could only hope that she and Logan could do the same.

It was Saturday morning, she was just sitting in the living room eating breakfast and watching tv. The doorbell rang. She got up and looked through the hole and saw her mom and Lane.

"Hi, did I forget something?"

Lane chuckled, "nope, you're being kidnapped, lets go!"

"I can't go anywhere! I'm in leggings and a sweater dress, no makeup, and my hair is in a messy bun!"

Finn walked out of his office, "you're going, end of story," he told her on his way to the kitchen.

Lorelai chimed in, "besides, it doesn't matter! We have many things planned, let's go!"

They refused to answer any questions along the way. Then they pulled up to a salon that appeared to be closed.

"Guys, are you sure it's not closed?" She asked them.

Lane shook her head and knocked on the door. A woman came and let them in and led them to a back room where Honor, Paris, Stephanie, Rosemary, Juliet, and Emily were waiting.

"Well it's about time," Honor said. "Welcome to your mommy shower!"

"My what?" Rory asked with a smile on her face as she was led to a chair and Lorelai and Lane sat down too.

""Well, we know that you aren't ready for a baby shower yet without you know who so..." Stephanie explained.

Emily continued where she left off, "today is about pampering you with all of the women in your life, on me!"

"Really?" All of the women nodded. Rory started to tear up, "oh my god, thank you grandma, and thank you all of you. This is so sweet!"

First off were massages, maternity style for Rory and Honor. Hair, makeup, fingers, and toes all followed.

Rory felt like a new woman. Being with these women made her feel almost whole.

She was sitting next to Emily, getting her nails done.

"So how are you doing since Richard let the PI go? I know it's not easy not getting the answer you wanted...the answer you needed." Emily was watching her closely.

"Ok I guess, work and friends are keeping me busy. I'll give it another month and then I'm going to Mitchum and Shira. If anyone can find him, it's them."

Emily nodded, "well if you need either of us when the time comes, just call."

Rory nodded, "thank you for this grandma. It's just what I needed."

"Well, I remember a thing or two about being pregnant with your mother. It's definitely nice to be pampered." She winked at Rory then got up to go soak her feet before her pedicure.

Lane took Emily's place, "so, how you holding up?"


Lane nodded, "you'll find him, be patient."

They sat in comfortable silence until Rory's nails were finished. She went over and sat next to Paris.

"So, anyone giving you any trouble over this?"

Rory chuckled...Paris was just as much her protector as Finn, Colin, and Robert. "Aside from this baby being an award-winning kick boxer, not really. I'm still managing to avoid the Huntzbergers, but I think that is going to be harder and harder."

"Why don't you just go to them? You know Mitchum will find him and bring him back..."

Rory shook her head, "no, he gets a few more weeks...six months is as long as I'll give him."

"Oh Rory, I understand the circumstances but you know Doyle would be dead by now if it was me right?"

"Yes, I do. But when you tried to break up with him, he refused...I should have done the same thing."

"Please Rory, none of us expected it to end like that. You are both at fault, but no one saw this coming of all things...if anything, you should thank god for having that baby open your you have to wait, but you're gonna fight for him. Want the Geller Pep Talk?"

Rory couldn't help but smile, "yes please."

Paris took a deep breath, "alright, this some of my best work here, I've been fine-tuning it ever since you told me," she said with a wink. "Rory Gilmore, you are the strongest, kindest, most caring woman I know. You got pregnant, turned down a great job, and then landed one that's even better. You are surrounded with people that love and support you. You are not alone, and when Logan comes back, you will make him see that his future is nothing without you and his child. Stick to your self-imposed deadline, and if it comes to it, you walk into the Huntzberger's house with your head held high. You tell them that you love their son and you're carrying his child. Then you tell that son-of-a-bitch Mitchum to bring his sorry-ass son home to you. Got it?"

"That was good," Rory said. Paris was always able to pull Rory out of the depths when she asked for it. This time was no different. "Thank you."


Paris finished, and Lorelai took her place. "Hey honey, tired of being asked how you're doing yet?"

Rory chuckled, "it's ok, go ahead."


Rory shook her head a little. "I don't understand...I don't understand why he won't come home. What could he be doing? God I hope he survives this...what will I do if gets himself killed? The last time we struggled this much, he almost died mom."

"Whoa whoa whoa, you know he's alive, the postcards are like clockwork. And he's sane enough to send them at the same time every week. Breath...he'll be back."

She leaned her head on her mom's shoulder and tried to relax.



"Have you decided what you want when he gets back?"

"Yes," she took a deep breath, "I want to marry him if he'll still have me. I want a family with him."

"Good," Lorelai said and smiled.

The rest of the day was spent slowly pampering her and everyone else. When they left her at home, she was ready for bed.

"Logan, god I miss you. Emily set up this whole mommy shower since I won't get baby stuff yet. Everyone was there, and it was so nice. I'm so relaxed now. Mom asked what I want...I told her so I'm going to tell you too. I was wrong to turn down your proposal. I love you. I want to marry you. I want to have a family with you. You are the only man that I have ever imagined my future with. I should have told you that. There are so many things I should have told you. I'm so scared something is going to happen to you, and I won't get you back Logan. Oh god please come back."

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