Chapter 19

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Lorelai rambled on for a few minutes, but Rory was able to get off the phone fairly quickly. 

"Well...that was the signal!"

He could tell she was immediately running down the list in her head so he took her hand, "ok, what do you need me to do?"

She sat for a minute.  "Well, there isn't any setup until 5...that's when we will kidnap her.  So right now, Luke will be notifying Taylor and Reverend Skinner, and I will call Grandma and Lane.  Grandma has my dress and Mom's.  Do you have something warm but nice looking to wear?"

"Ya, I have khakis and a sweater.  Do you need anything else? We'll be outside..."

"I think Grandma was preparing for both of us so I should be fine."

"Alright, make your calls.  Do you need to check in with Luke?"

She shook her head, "no, he is supposed to call once he's alone."

"Alright then.  Get those two calls made. and then we'll eat lunch."

She smiled and kissed him, "You know me so well.  Why don't you go down and give Sookie the heads up?"

He nodded and left the room as she picked up her phone.  Turns out the weekend wouldn't be as relaxing as he had thought, but it would certainly be memorable.

Once he told Sookie that they were ready for lunch, he grabbed the book he had been reading earlier and sat down at a table in the dining room. He didn't see Lorelai anywhere around so he assumed that she must be outside enjoying the snow. It wasn't heavy, just a nice slow falling.

Luke had really worked to give Lorelai the wedding that truly fit her, Logan only hoped that Rory would feel the same way about hers. Before long, Rory came down and joined him. They didn't talk much, she was texting on her phone a lot, so he continued reading.

Lunch was great, Sookie made them everything she could possibly think of, but Rory loved it. When they were done, he convinced Rory that a nice hot shower might calm her down and give her a break from the wedding chaos that was bound to ensue. He also texted Luke and told him that he was going to make Rory rest a little before the next big step with Lorelai. He agreed that it was a good idea.

What Logan hadn't told Rory was that he was going to help her relax.

"Hey! I thought I was supposed to relax," she said as he stepped in the shower.

"Are you saying that I'm not relaxing? That's it, engagement is off. I can't be around this kind of negativity for the rest of my life." He joked as he reached around her for the soap.

"Alright," she said, "But don't get any ideas...shower sex isn't really realistic with this belly." She smiled and pulled him close for a kiss.

"Might not want to do that then."

"How can this," she motioned towards her belly, "turn you on?"

He couldn't believe that she was serious. "How many times do I have to tell you? You are beautiful, inside and out. And the only thing that has changed about you is possibly your mobility...and, if anything, it has been a fun challenge."

She raised an eyebrow at him, "nevertheless, probably shouldn't fool around in the shower."

He smirked then kissed her. "Duly noted, how about an innocent nap when we're done, you're going to need it with the evening ahead of us..."

She nodded, so they finished showering and laid down together.

All too soon, the alarm was going off, signaling that they needed to get on with the upcoming events.  Rory was excited for this day.  Since Luke started planning, she had loved the idea.  He had made sure that she would be able to get there in time and help with Lorelai.

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