Chapter 21

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Logan and Rory stayed and enjoyed the reception as long as they could, but being eight months pregnant meant that she got tired quickly. Shortly before eleven, they said their goodbyes and headed back to The Dragonfly.

Rory knew that Luke had also planned a three day getaway to Maine for their honeymoon, so they wouldn't see them again until Thursday, which was Thanksgiving.

So they relaxed for another day and then went back to New York and the chaos of their lives. Rory only had to work on Monday and Tuesday, the same as the rest of their friends. Wednesday evening was spent with everyone gathered at Finn's apartment to celebrate the holiday together. They spent Thanksgiving day lunch at the Gilmore's and supper at the Huntzberger's.

Everyone was happy to be together. Amazingly, there was no underlying tension at either gathering.

Lorelai and Luke appeared well rested and incredibly happy but refused to share any of the details from their short honeymoon. No one pushed because, honestly, no one was interested in hearing the "dirty" details.

Then came Friday.  They would be moving into the new apartment tomorrow, and Rory couldn't wait.  Finn had been completely amazing from the moment he found out about the pregnancy, but Rory was ready to quit imposing on his life.  The best part of being in the same building, on the same floor, as him was that she wouldn't be far from him.  He had become her best friend, not to detract from Lane, Paris, or the girls, but anybody who held you night after night while you cried yourself to sleep, unequivocally earned that spot in your life.

Stephanie stole Rory away for some much needed pampering after lunch.  Manicures, massages, haircuts...the works. 

By the time she was dropped back off at Finn's, she was incredibly relaxed and ready for some quiet time with Logan before the moving craziness began.  She walked into the apartment and saw Logan sitting on the couch watching tv, but she thought she caught a nervous glance her way.  She dropped her purse and went to sit next to him. 

"That was so nice.  I love Stephanie.  Best idea ever."  She leaned her head on his shoulder and looked up at him.  He was smiling down at her. 

"Sounds like you're in just the right mood then."

She waited but he didn't continue. "Right mood for what?"

"Well, I've been thinking about things, and I'm not so sure anymore about this plan that you have for us..."

She sat up and looked at him, extremely worried.  "What do you mean you're not sure about it?  I can't exactly send the baby back Logan!  I wouldn't even if I could.  I love both of you more than anything else in the world."  She was trying to hold in the tears, but Logan was throwing her for a complete loop.

"Calm down," he said grinning while Rory was wondering what the hell he was smiling about.  "It's not the baby, it's us.  I'm not ok with this arrangement anymore."

"Arrangement?"  She squeaked out.

He nodded, "the fiancé thing is nice, don't get me wrong, but I would much prefer a husband and wife arrangement."

Rory looked at him like he was crazy, "isn't the fiancé thing how you get to the husband and wife thing?"  She was starting to raise her voice while he was still cool as a cucumber. 

He nodded again and she thought she might kill him, "it is, I'm just done with that part."

She was sure that this was a hallucination...a side effect of the pregnancy...surely if this was real, Logan would realize how close to death he was right now. 

Before she could say anything, he got down on one knee in front of her.  "Ummm, Logan we already did this part, and not to be nit-picky, but this is actually how you got to this arrangement that you're not so fond of anymore."

He chuckled again but stayed where he was and took both of her hands...which shut her up immediately.  "Ace, I know that we already did this part...twice actually, if we're counting.  This one is a little different though.  Something you said awhile back made me think.  We don't have time to do the big, fancy wedding that our families would both insist on...the kind that you deserve."  Rory started to say something, but he shook his head and continued, "I know that that's not exactly who we are either, so I have a little proposal for you."

Rory nodded for him to continue but swore to herself that she was going to make him pay for the hell he put her through a few minutes ago. 

"I want to get married to you tonight.  I have it all planned.  It will be intimate.  Then, next year, on our one year anniversary, we will renew our vows in front of all of our friends and family and our little girl.  What do you say?  Do you want to become my wife tonight?"

As much as she wanted to torture him for the little routine he went through a few minutes ago, she didn't have the heart.  And, more than anything, she wanted to be his wife as quickly and quietly as possible.  "What did you have in mind?"

"Is that a yes?"

"That's a yes, master and commander," she smiled with tears in her eyes.

He smiled back, then leaned in and kissed her.  "Do you trust me?" 


"In your room is a dress, will you go put it on and meet right back here?"

She nodded, then got up and went to her room.  Laying on the bed was a (very) stretchy, white, sleeveless, jersey knit dress.  It was buttery soft and looked to be about knee length.  Next to it, was a white lace jacket with long sleeves, that looked to go about to her ankles.  There was also a bag with matching bra and undies, a pair of white ballet flats, and a matching necklace and earrings. 

She got dressed as quickly as she could.  Everything fit perfectly. 

Logan had slipped out of the apartment and walked down to theirs.  The three men looked up at him.  "Finn, she's all yours."

"Thank god.  Go get dressed man, I've got her."  He grinned and left to go to his apartment. 

Logan went into their bedroom and changed into his suit quickly.  Then he went out into the living room and waited for his bride.

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