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"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you

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"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."


Who would've thought that something as peaceful as water could make the clouds so dark?

The rain falls because the sky can no longer handle it's heaviness.

Same as, tears fall because the heart can no longer handle the pain.

I wiped the condensed water droplets off my glass window to get a cleaner view of the people running along the busy streets of New York City.

Soon the rain is going to sound like musical droplets hitting the rooftops and window panes.

On rainy days like this, I used to sit on my mother's lap as a child. Sipping on hot cocoa, listening to her read her poems that she spent sleepless hours on. She used to talk about her life as a child and how she got into writing poetry.

I guess this is why I love writing so much because of my mother. She was such an inspiration to me.

"Monifah, Monifah!" My friend called out my name.

"Hm?" I hummed, still staring out the window.

"Do you need me to help you pack up the rest of these boxes?" Sydney asked, closing the box that she was working on.

"No, I'm fine, thank you." I stared down at the picture frame that rested on the window seal.

It's funny how a person can walk into your life and be the same person that could easily walk out of it.

"Girl, when are you going to quit stressing over Brandon?" Sydney walked over towards me, rubbing gently on my shoulder. "You've had his engagement ring on since you guys decided to break things off. When are you going to give it back to him?"

"I would if I knew where the hell he was. I'm just keeping it as a reminder too never make the same stupid mistake twice."

"What?" Sydney asked. "Getting engaged?"

"Nope, falling in love." I shook my head.

"Aw shit." My friend Sydney pulled out a pack of cigarettes. "But girl you know that not every man is like that. You see how me and Marcus been together for about six years now."

"You and Marcus were high school sweethearts, it's different with me and Brandon. He was the one who decided that he couldn't do this anymore and left. So, I'm just done with guys and their overly fucked up minds."

"You can still find your soul mate, don't give up just because Brandon ass didn't see how lucky he was to have you." Sydney placed her cigarette in between her lips. "How about we go out tonight, you know Tameka is having a little party later on? Let's go check it out."

"I don't know, Syd." I stared at her as she lit her cigarette.

"Come on Monifah, it's going to be fun." Sydney inhaled the smoke and then exhaled it into the air.

I groaned. "Alright, alright but only this one time Sydney."

"Okay, okay." Sydney squealed. "I'm going to come pick you up at eight. Don't you dare to change your mind on me now."

"I'm not, and tell Marcus I said hello." I waved goodbye as Sydney walked out of the house.

Today is going to be one long day.

Hello guys, thank you for reading my first chapter. I know it's a little short but trust me it'll get longer over time, this is just a starting paragraph. Please excuse any grammatical issues, I will be editing soon! I hope you guys continue to read this story and please leave feedback, because that would be highly appreciated.

Copyright © BLACKGODDESS__

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