Chapter One - The first shift.

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Groaning as I rolled in my bed trying my hardest to get back to sleep. After 5 minutes of tossing and turning, it wasn’t work. I gave up. I picked my phone up to see what time it was. 9 o’clock? It was 9 in the morning. I never saw this time of day. However today, today was a special day. It was my 18th. The day I am legal to do everything I already do and the day I finally shift and the day I finally, hopefully find my mate.  I checked my phone. I had a text from my brother saying happy birthday, Damon is my brother, 20 years old. He looked so much like my Mother; Bright blue eyes, a tanned complexion that all the girls loved about him he had a muddy coloured brown hair that was always messy.  Whereas me? I looked like my dad; Emerald green eyes, dark red hair and a tanned complexion.

Our parents died 5 years ago in a rouge attack against out Alpha. Who happened to my uncle, might i add. My mother was the Alpha sister. My mother was the greatest warrior in the pack.  She was strong. She has a beautiful wolf. It was a white wolf. They are rare. Not as rare as a bluey- gray wolf. They are told to have part of the moon goddess and are told be the greatest fighters out there, they are also known to have special powers that would help them during their life. My father was the beta. He met my mother after she came home from boarding school that was made for those of rare wolves. My uncle was obviously mad about this, his younger sister that he cherished so much to be mated with his Beta. There was nothing my uncle could about it. The mate bond is stronger than any bond in this world. He had to deal with it.

After thinking about my Mum and Dad, I finally found the strength to get out of bed. It was hard. I had to go through the shifting process with uncle instead. That didn’t bother me. My uncle treated me like his daughter. My uncle’s mate can’t have pups so they adopted us. Its strange, my brother is in line to be the beta. Whereas i’m in line to be the next Alpha.

I trudged my way to my bath room. I turned the shower on. While letting the shower warm up I brushed my teeth. The steam filling my bathroom was my queue to get in the shower. I climbed in the shower and let the hot water fall over my body. I loved showers. After i had done i climbed out and got ready. I straightened my hair. Kept my make-up natural and picked a plain outfit and packed a spare for when i shift. My shift is at noon and i think that is really strange.

When i was finally ready i skipped down the hall and into the kitchen. I smelt pancakes. Only best for me on my birthday, the Alpha stood tall over the stove making me my pancakes while Cindy our Luna sits laughing at him in his pink pinny.

“Happy Birthday Sweetie” Auntie Cindy wished me as i came and gave her a hug and sat down waiting for my pancakes.

“Happy Birthday Princess” I smiled as my Uncle Andy kissed me on my cheek and put my pancakes in front of me. My mouth melted with desire. I am most definitely a food person. I licked my lips as i dug in. My Uncle and Auntie laughed at me. I eat like a boy. I didn’t care.

“Are you all set for you first shift?” My Uncle asked as i started to eat the last but of my pancake. I nodded and held my finger up signalling to wait a second while i finish what is my mouth.

“Yes, i have my scruffs on now so i don’t cry if i rip them and then i have some more clothes in a bag and i have my outfit ready for my ceremony tonight” I said while taking a sip of my orange juice. My Auntie smiled

“Come on then, don’t want to keep the crowd waiting forever do we” My uncle chuckled and he held his hand out to help my jump of the seat. I grabbed my shoes and bag and we made out way into the wood where i would be shifting. I was scared i really was. This is going to be painful. I could feel everything start to tighten up. My uncle looked at me and gave me the ‘Are you ok look?’ I just nodded at him. It getting close to 1 o’clock.

I saw the crowd of people as we walked the bowed to us to show respect. I saw my brother and gave him a hug. He was stood with his arsehole bestfriend Brandon. He was a player. He had a different girl every few weeks. He hasn’t found his mate and god help the day he does cause she is going to have a hell of time trying to keep that one tied down.  I looked at Damon he smiled i shifted my gaze to Brandon. Im not going to lie. He was gorgeous; he had a sandy blond hair that was pretty long but not really long, he has chocolate brown eyes that grew dark as he looked at me. He was wearing a white shirt that showed of his perfect body. I smiled at him and he walked away.

“So today we are here to watch the shift of Gray Louise Cole. She is the next in line to be the alpha. She is niece but I treat as my own” He started to speak in his Alpha tone. I smiled at everyone. Until the pain came.

I dropped to the floor and held my stomach. I could feel my bones brakes. My legs began to form into weird shapes same with my arms. I bent backwards as i felt the hair start to grow. My back was braking. I screamed out in pain. Then all of a sudden the pain stopped. I spoke and out came a bark. I looked up at my uncle who looked shocked. I looked toward the crowd. They all gasped. What was they gasping at?

My auntie came up to me with mirror. I looked at myself in the mirror. I gawked at myself, well in my head i did.

The fur every girl would once dream to have. I looked at myself flicking my gaze from the mirror to my paw. I was a beautiful buley-gray colour. I could hear the gasps around me ad i rocked trying to come back to realization. That wasn’t about to happen, my wolf began to perk up. I was scared.

Gray, i’m Cyria. You’re wolf. You are a rare wolf. Your able to see into the future. Im going to be with you forever.

How do i change back?

Think about your human body. Go to the tree where you put your back and change back.


I trotted off to the tree when i dumped my stuff and changed back. I walked back to the crowd who was still in shock. I looked at my Aunt and Uncle and smiled. They smiled wearily back.

“So as you all know i’m a rare wolf now. I have a wolf called Cyria, She has give me the ability to see into the future” I spoke confidently. Everyone cheered. My aunt uncle and brother came and hugged me.

“We love you” My aunt cried. I was happy right now.

“Come on you need to get ready for tonight.  We are also making it a birthday party.” My Uncle spoke and i screamed.

Now all i needed was my mate. 



This is my second ever book. It is the first time i written a book on werewovles and the mating bond. So if facts are wrong please, tell me and i can change them or something along them lines. 



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