Chapter 14 - Strange happening.

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“I think she’s waking up” A rather exciting voice spoke.

“ugh” I pushed out, my eyes began to flutter. The light was too bright. I was in a white room. Thats when the tears started to flow and i remember what my mother said ‘Go back, Carl, Needed, Birthmark, power, kill.’ The last bit terrified me. Kill.

“I saw my mum” I choked, my voice horse. I tried to move but i wasn’t strong enough, i pointed to the water. Brandon rushed over to the table and poured me water. He passed me it. I chugged it down and to the end i gasped for breath.

“What did she say?” Brandon asked.

“Go back, Carl, Needed, Birthmark, Powers and Kill.” I said with a hint of sadness in my voice. Not said cause i didnt know what she meant but sad she didnt say anything else. I know i have powers i can read minds. I know that.

“Your a chosen one.  Everyone knows it.” A strange man came through the door of my hospital room. A low growl rumbled from Brandon as he jumped on to my bed and pulled me to him. “Dont worry child. Im her guardian.” Guardian?? I have one?

“Your my what?? Since when did i have one of them?” I was confused. There was one other thing i needed to ask. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it bu there was something.

“You see Gray. There are many things in this world. Werewolves, vampires, monsters, angels, pixies, wizards, witches, warlocks, hunters, humans. Each of these have there own equalities and qualities. Take Angels for a example, humans think we have body length wings and wear all white all the time. We don’t have any of that. We have wings but they cant be seen. You see when we get to certain age we gain our wings and get our life mission – to be a guardian – Each and every different type of species in this world have special qualities. Each species has 10 chosen ones. Each Angel  that is born the same year as a chosen one is trained until 18 years of ages and find out who the chosen one he or she is asked to guard and then when the chosen one is of age we can approach them. So, as you managed to guess, i am your guardian. Ive been watching over you for a few weeks now. Your brother knew i watching.” He said he looked down at his hands “Im sorry, he was a good friend of mine” He stiffened in his seat.

He knew my brother? My brother knew he was my guardian? This is all too.... Crazy? Unreal? Unorthodox? Mental? I looked at the stranger. He was around my age, maybe abit older. I Dont know. He was rather tall about 6’5? He had a strong jaw line and cheek bone, he had deep gray eyes that sparkled under the light of my hospital room. He hair was smart cut short back and side and his front styled with a nice looking quiff. He was dressed in a smart suit. Black suit with a white shirt and a black tie. Rather cliché if you ask me. He was quite handsome. Broad shoulders as well.

“How did you know my brother?” I asked. His head snapped up.

“Well,um we know each primary school?” He didnt even sound sure of that. “But that isn’t important now. I have a feeling you are going to be hurt again.” He spoke i didnt like the sound of him. He didnt seem to fit into it properly.

Unknown POV.

“Can you do the spell?” The dirty fat man asked me. I was a witch. I could do what i want. I nodded at him.

“I can make the boy love me. Plus. Jarad should have her in his trust now so i can make her love him” I said. “Now go so i can do this” I point to the door. The dirty fat man walked away.

This wasn’t strange for me. Old men coming here asking me to make men love me so they can get the girl. Sometimes i wonder what my boyfriend thinks? Hes always behind me no matter what and sometimes i make his life hell. I stood up from the seat and looked at myself in the mirror, i was slim i was beautiful. I had a dirty blonde hair colour that was perfectly straight. I had Sea blue eyes that sparkled like water.

I was proud of myself. Though, i have loved him for ages. He doesn’t even notice me. Doesnt know what i can do. Doesnt know what going to hit him, SHE... She is stopping us being together.

I walk over to my kitchen and start to look for the stuff for the spell.

Dropping, tipping, pouring and spitting, minutes later. Its ready. All i have to do is get it to them both. She will be easy. He wont. Im powerful  but he is bigger.

Im a witch. Cassandra. Cassandra  Spheliix.



So i said i would dedicate this chapter too some people so i will. I have chose some poeple to dedicate it too. 

I have chosen 2 people. These 2 because of the comments they left me on my 'rot in hell' chapter. It really is pleasing me all the votes i am getting for this story andall the reads. I am proud of my self. 

Anyway.I dedicate this chapter to 

1. AndyEast - Because he always leaves nice comments on my chapters and always votes for them :D 

2. Pitbulls808 - because you left some really nice comments on my last chapter and it really made me happy:) Thank you:) 

Please, carry on with the comments and votes:) 

And i hope you like this chapter:) 

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