Chapter Nine - I love you.

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*This chapter isnt too long. I just wanted to get in the part where they mated etc.* 

(This chapter gets pretty steamy)

It has been 2 weeks since my brother and bestfriend were killed by Carl. We heard nothing. Until today.  

“Gray” Brandon came in “Your Uncle just rang” He spoke in his strong voice “You’ve to stay here with me until everything has blown over with Carl” He growled as he said his same. In three days we have laid in bed while i mourned over my brother “He said until then there is to be no funeral for Damon and Collette” He looked sad about that part. He lost his bestfriend and i lost mine. We knew each others pain.

We were meant to go home today but we couldn’t. I had to stay here. I finished making the breakfast for me and Brandon. He was watching me as i cooked and plated the food, his eyes burning in my skin. In fact, my entire skin burned. My thing downstairs burned.  I placed the food in front of Brandon and me when he sniffed the air and snapped his head to me. His eyes were black. They glistened and danced he looked me up and down. My body burned for him. The need was uncontrollable.

“Heat” He murmured as his stood launching his chair to the floor and slamming me against his fridge. He kissed me and moved his lips to ear. He moved his lips down my neck and grazed his teeth along where he would soon claim me as his. He bit lightly and sucked. I breathed a moan. I wanted him to mark me so much.

He lifted my leg so it wrapped around almost instantly. He kissed my lips ruff. I traced my tongue along his lip and forced it open. He tasted sweet. He pulled my other leg up and started to walk up the stairs i was slammed against our bedroom door and he fiddled with door knob.

I was thrown on to the bed. Brandon came over to me already topless and bottomless. He ripped my shirt off. Then my pants. He bit it was up my leg until his was at my dripping wet centre. He ripped my kickers with his and kissed my core. As if it was on queue my legs opened wider as his large tongue dove in me. My back arched at the sudden pleasure. He did this for what felt like hours. He came up to me and kissed my ever so gently.

“Can i- I want” I put my finger on his mouth and positioned myself under him.

“Take me as yours” I whispered

It was painful but i loved it. “Let me mark you” He spoke breathless. I nodded. He smiled and kissed my lips.

He left a train of small kisses down to my neck where he would mark me. I felt his canines grow as they scraped along my skin. That’s when he bit. He sunk his teeth in to me. I screamed as the pain rode threw me. After a few seconds the pain subsided and started to turn to pleasure. I let out a soft moan and he licked the mark and it began to heal. I touched my neck, it was sore.

“I love you” He breathed

“I love you... too” I found sleep after that

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