Chapter Ten - What Happened?

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I woke p that morning feeling amazing, feeling happy. My heat was over. I felt new. I turned over in bed to see Brandon laid there looking so innocent. His facial features were relaxed and not full of worry like it has been since we got the news about Carl. However, he began to stir in his sleep.

“Mum. No” He mumbled. I sat up and looked at him. He started to fidget and turn. He kept kicking. I was scared. “Mum” He mumbled again. I tried to shake him. He did answer. When suddenly he shot up, eyes wide open and a cold sweat running down his forehead. I rested my hand on his shoulder and he turned towards me, he had tears in his eyes.  I hugged him. He hesitated but hugged me back.

“Want a coffee?” I asked. He nodded i climbed out of bed and threw one of Brandons tops on, they was huge on me so i didnt need trousers and i made my way down stairs. I started to run the coffee threw the machine and looked in the fridge when two rather large and tattooed arms snakes around my waist.

“I love you” He whispered into my neck.

“I know, I love you too” I turned around. His eyes were red.  “Wanna talk about it” I asked while making him look at me.

“Talking is for girls.”He tried to laugh, i looked at him. “Okay.” He finally spoke. “After breakfast. I will tell you about my dream” He turned around and sat on a stool. I reopened the fridge and pulled eggs and bacon out. Grabbed the frying pan and started to make the breakfast. Brandon must have put music on cause i found myself swaying away to my favourite song by Ellie Goulding – Dead in the water. It was beautiful song. I sang and danced around while i cooked. Just as the song finished i was finished, i plated up poured two coffees and walked over to where Brandon was sat and sat with him. He kissed my cheek and thanked me. We ate in silence.

Once we had finished, Brandon went into the living room and put the telly on while i finished cleaning the kitchen. In all the years i have known him,i have never seen him like this, even when i lived him. It scared the hell out of me when he was in a mood, even more so now he was mate. One i had done i went into the living room.

“Story time then i guess” He spoke and tried to laugh. He had no life in him.

Brandon’s POV.

 “Well it happened around 10 years ago” I said with a large sigh.

*Flash back*

 We were about to head out the door when my mum started to scream. She clutched on to her stomach and fell to the ground. She carried on screaming.

“Mum!” I shouted “What happening Mum” I shouted again she just stayed there limp on the floor screaming. It was getting louder and louder.

“Brandon, Brandon!” My  sister Holly shouted “Its Dad. Someone is attacking him outside.” She was 8 years older than me. I don’t know why they waiting so long for me but they did anyway. She jumped off the steps and turned into her wolf. She was unique. She had a blue-gray wolf. She sped outside. I tried to follow, my mother stopped me.

“Stay” She demanded and she pulled herself from the ground. She grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs. She threw me into the panic room and locked me there. “Stay” She hissed. She mumbled some other words and i was frozen.

I only heard. Never saw. I heard my name being shouted but i couldn’t move. My mother had put the ultimate demand on me. Every mother could do with her pups, if they was any age. She could put a spell that wouldn’t make them move. I remember telling me about it. It could only ever be used on one child ever in a life.

I heard my Mother and Sister screaming. I wanted to find them i couldn’t move. Couldnt do anything. A few hours went by. I was bored and i was scared.

When all of a sudden i could move again. I stumbled out of the panic room and ran down stairs.



I went into the back garden and there it was. The sight i would never forget. My Mother, Father and Sister’s  body. On the floor. Torn to shreds. Then that was it. I broke down and waited for whoever to come find me.

*End of flashback*

Grays Pov.

The story was horrible, i cried and yet he managed to keep calm. “And there you have it. I ended up moving to a neighbouring pack and that didnt work out so the Alpha spoke to your uncle and and well here we are” He finished off.  I kissed him. That is all i could do “And still to this day i don’t know who did it” We sat there for a while in silence while i let everything calm down.

“Im here for you now” I spoke up eventually. I looked up at him, he smiled. I kissed his nose and turned the telly on.

“Lazy day?” He suggested. I nodded and smiled as we found some films we could watch. After about 3 films the door went.

“Ill get it. Its probably the pizza” I got up grabbed the money off the side and walked over to the door.

“Hello Gray” The it all went black   

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