Chapter Four - Mate

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Urgh, my head hurt. I ran away from Brandon last night and locked myself in my room. I needed to roll out of my bed, it was too comfy but i need to tell Damon. He told me about my best friend being his mate, its only right i tell him. Right? I was in a argument with my own mind. Well my wolf. Damn, she is annoying. It only been one day.

I can hear you, you know.

Oh shut it please am trying to think.

Well i want Skylark. We don’t get what we always want.

Is that his wolfs name?

Yes. He is lovely.

Ha! No!

He really is you know! If you hadn't have ran away like you did. You would have known.

I blocked her out again. Only to be broken out by the knock on the door. SHIT. Who is it? My Uncle? My Aunt? Damon? Collette? Or worse? Brandon?

I pulled myself out of bed and unlocked the door. Shit.

“We need to talk” Brandon spoke in a hushed tone and pushed me back to my room. I loved the sparks i felt as he pushed me. I stumbled back only to be found the arm of my mate. I mean Brandon. He smashed his lips to mine. I had craved his touch since last night. I wasn’t going to let that happen. I pushed him away, my wolf cried out. I wanted his touch again.

"What?" He spat.

“That!” I said flailing my arms about like a mad man “Was not talking” I pointed at him “That! That was trying to have me as breakfast” I whisper shouted at him.

“I know” He said running his hand through his messy hair. “I just needed to” He looked at the floor “It, its just been so long and i—“

“How long have you known i was your mate” I stopped him dead in his sentence. He already knew. What person does that.  Acts like he hated me yet has known i was his mate for 2 years.

“I,you—You was, urgh. Your my bestfriends litter sister. Your also my mate. I told your brother the i found out myself. That's why i kissed you them years ago. Yesterday, i though if i had stayed at your ceremony you would have known i was your mate. I thought you would have rejected me there and then. That's why i left.” I could hear the hurt in his voice.

He thought i was going to reject him? I wouldn’t reject my mate. No matter who he is. Even if it was Brandon Halt. This is going to be fun. I pointed to him.

“Show me” He looked at me with confusion then with hope, he was about to speak but i held my finger up stopping him “Show me am worth it. Make me want to stay. You have a week to make me want to stay” I stayed firm even though i wanted to laugh “Any questions”  He shook his head. Then looked at me like alight bulb went off in his head. He smiled.

“Let me take you on a date to night” He looked like a little boy that had just got his rugby ball. I nodded “Be read for 8 tonight” I nodded and he left the room.

Now i needed to tell my Uncle. This was going to be fun. I huffed and left the room. I trotted down the hall rather excited about having a mate but scared all at the same time. He has known since he was 16, how could he not have told me? Is that why he text me that night at his house when we stopped there? Everything slowly started to make sense. Lost in my thought i bumped in a petite figure. It was Collette. Ill tell her first.

“Gray” She said smiling “I was looking for you, i need to tell you something.” She said giddily.

“Whats up?” I questioned. She laughed and looked excited.

“Damon has asked me to go away with him this weekend. I don’t know what to wear or anything” She looked worried then. How could someone get worried about what to wear. She was lost deep in thought. I was glad that she was mated with my brother because i could see her even more then, especially when or if they get married.

“Collette. Im sure that no matter what you wear, my brother wont care. Plus, I've got some news for you” I whispered the last part. I need to tell her. She moved her hand and told me to carry on what i was saying “If found my mate” Her eyes lit up like a blaze, she didn't say a word but keep a beaming smile on her face “It Brandon” He face went white. Her smile disappeared and her mouth turned into a perfect “O” shape. Great.

“You are kidding right?” She looked so serious. I shook my head. “Hes you're brothers bestfriend” I looked at her. She was my best friend and my brothers mate.

“Look i have to go, i need to tell my Uncle now” I could tell she nervous for me. “Byeeee” I scurried off 


Yes Gray? What up?

Where are you?

Office. Come here.

I knocked twice. He told me come in.

”He smiled and looked back at his laptop. I stayed where i was. He looked at me confused. He shut his laptop down and looked me cocking his head to the side.

“Whats up honey? Come sit down” He gestured to black leather chair. I slowly walked over to him and sat.

“Uncle” He looked at me and nodded. “I found my mate”

My mate. My brothers bestfriend.Where stories live. Discover now