Chapter 8 - Carl.

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“Ok, Carl is a bad man” I started. “Before you joined the pack there was a man, he was lovely. Until one night he went crazy, he trashed the house and hurt a lot of people.” I could feel my throat start to become tighter. My eye sight got blurry. “He’s the reason their dead” I chocked.

“Flash back 5 years ago” (BTW! This is a year before Brandon came on the scene.)

I was awoken at 3am. I heard things crashing on the floor. I’m only 13. I couldn’t hear anyone else in the house. What harm could it be going to have a look? I climbed out of my bunker bed and put my fluffy purple slippers on. I tiptoed over to the door and started to open it. “Where is she!” I heard. I heard sobbing. “She’s up in her bed” The woman sobbed. It was my mum. I walked out of my door to the top of the steps. Our house wasn’t too big, you would have thought it would be a mansion with being the alphas niece and things and with being the beta family. But NOPE. My parents wanted a boring house. “She needs to come with me” The man grumbled.”No!” My mother shouted with force in her voice. It made me jump. I heard a loud smash then a really loud groan. “Gray” This man sang. I ran to my brother’s room. He wasn’t there. Where was he?

Where can i hide?

“Graaaayyyyy Sweetieee” He sang again “Come with Uncle Carl”

Uncle Carl? What did he want? Why was he here? He never visited. I didn’t care. He hurt my mum. I ran to my brother’s room and opened his wardrobe. There is a door here somewhere. Where is it? I knocked along the wardrobe back and boom it was there.

I slid it back and climbed in and brought the piece of wood with myself. This room was small. Big enough to fit me and brother in an emergency. It was small. It has a little lantern, pillows, covers and it was sound proof. I could hear out but none could hear in.

I heard my room door slam. “Where is she you stupid whore!” I heard Carl shout. Next i heard a loud slap. I opened the peep hole the wall. My mother, on 2 knees head in hands and my Uncle standing over her with a proud smile. “She was in bed” She cried.

He bent down to her level and grabbed her by the neck and slammed her by the door. She clawed at his hands. Why didn’t she shift? Where was my dad? “Where. Is. She.” He spoke through gritted teeth. I could see his hand tighten around her neck. She couldn’t get any words out. He dropped her to the floor and straddled over her. “I’m going to make you pay” He said with a smile. He grabbed my mother’s shirt and lifted her and slammed her head on the floor. “That is for keeping her from me when she is mine” He raised his fist, punched her 3 times in the face “That is for every pain you caused me” He did it again “That is for choosing him and not me” I couldn’t keep watching any of this. I shut the peep hole. All i heard was fists connecting with skin. Bodies connecting with objects. Then i heard nothing.

I looked out the hole and saw my mother’s lifeless body on the floor, covered in cuts and bruises.

“Gray, you might as well come out.” He said. I didn’t know where he was. Until i heard a massive crash. He grabbed my foot. I screamed. “GET OFF ME!!!” I screamed. He dragged me through my brothers room and down the stairs. He grabbed everything, my bag my purse and my phone. He threw me outside, it was raining i tried to run but i couldn’t my legs wouldn’t let me so i dragged myself along the floor when he grabbed my hair, i screamed in pain i was slammed against the car.

“Your mother made this far to easy” He leant in a smelt me. He shuddered. “So innocent” He inhaled again. “So pure” Next i know the world in black.

When i woke up i was a room on a bed. Hands tied to the back of me and legs tied to the bed. I screamed and screamed and screamed. The door slowly opened i sobbed “Help me” I cried. I stopped crying when i saw it was Carl. He smiled.

“I brought you breakfast” He came and sat on the bed.

“And how do you expect me to eat it” I spat at him. He looked shocked at my outburst. Hell! I was shocked

“Feisty, Not as sweet as you use to be” He chucked the try to the floor and grabbed my neck “Youll do better to not to speak to me like that EVER again” He gripped my throat and smashed his lips on to mine. ‘what the fuck’ i thought to myself. I twisted my head around and kept doing it. “You was always meant to be mine” He breathed “Al- “When he was cut off by the door smashing open.  My father and Damon.

My dad leaped on Carl while Damon ran over to me and untied me and brought me in to a hug.I sobbed so loud. Until i heard nothing. I didn’t hear Carl or my father. I pulled myself out of the embrace of my brothers arms and looked at the floor. Both lied there in heaps. My dad was on his last breath and i ran over to him “ Daddy” I cried

“Damon, Gray. I love you.” They were the last things he said.

*Flashback over*

“And there you have it” I managed to cry out “They wasn’t killed by rouges. They was killed my Dads brother cause he loved my mother. My mum didn’t want him and she wanted my dad and that’s why they are gone” I cried out harder this time.

“Shush baby” He tried to sooth me i banged on him chest knowing nothing he said would help me.

He took every pound on his chest like it was a feather. I was strong but i wasn’t stronger enough to hurt him. I soon gave up and laid down. Thoughts of them days passed through my head.

“Did you know he was alive” He asked laying next to me and pulling me onto him and making me look at him. I nodded. “How” He growled

“Well, a year or so again, i got flowers with a letter. It was on the anniversary of my parents death. At first i thought they were sympathy flowers, they was my favourite flowers, lilies. Then i found the card. It read ‘Im coming back for you. I will have you. Love always C xx’ I locked myself away” I said coming around sniffling. I felt his body rumble and loud growl.

“Mine” He said “None will have whats mine” I knew it wasn’t him. It was his wolf. I let my wolf take over and calm him down.

So Carl was back, he was coming to get me just like he said he would.

I needed to be ready. When i finally resurfaced and Cyria has calmed him down.

We laid there, i looked at him and he kissed me. It wasn’t ruff like he normally was, it was gentle and yet so passionate. He pulled me on top of him and didnt break the kiss at all. He let his hand roam along my body. After the third time he ran his hands up my top and pulled my top over my head, i mimicked his motions and removed his top. He took over and flipped us, he laid above me using his arms as to steady his weight so he didnt crush. He placed kisses down my body. He stopped as he reached my bottom half. He unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down. From my ankle he kissed up.

“Brandon” I whimpered “Im – I- Im not ready” I stuttered as he placed a small kiss on the outside of my core. He looked up at me and nodded and kissed me again.

“I can respect that” I smiled. After what i told him. Everything that had happened. He was finally proving himself and i was falling for him.

Its not going to last for every. I can feel it.

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