Chapter Eleven - Where am i?

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I woke up with a massive headache. I tried to open my eyes but the light restricted me of that. Slower idiot i thought to myself. I began to open my eyes slowly. I was in a room, a room that looked so familiar. A room i had not seen since i was thirteen.

I was in my old house.

How long was i out for? How was i out for so long that i got from Miami to England again? I went to sit up but i looked over at my arms they were tied to my bed and so was my legs. My room hadn’t changed at all. All the same posters over the walls same pictures. The colours were the same. The bed sheets were even the same. It was so confusing.

“Help!!” I shouted. I tried to thrash but with being tied down. I shouted several nothing worked so i gave up in the end  and let a sigh. I hadn’t been back to this house since the day my parents were killed. My uncle came back for everything and i stayed out the way. I was told the hose was sold. I still had no understanding why i was here.

I tried to think back to last night? Brandon told me about his parents, we had a lazy day. The door went i opened it and there was stood.... No it cant be. How could he find me. 

Just then the door flew open and in walked a rather fat old bald man with a smile on face. He was wearing shabby clothes, he looked a mess.

“Carl” I spat as he came closer to me “GET AWAY!” I shouted. He stood there amused at me he let a evil laugh. I hated this man.

“You like you room? I kept it just the same for when you came back to me” He plopped on the bed. I wanted to move away but the ropes wouldn’t let me.  “The house is the same as you last saw it. I was amazed when i bought it. I didnt have a clue where you was until you little friend Collette told me in her last dying words. I was such a shame, she was pretty – not as near as pretty as you and your brother. He was quite a handsome boy wasn’t he.” I spat at him. How dear he talk about my best friend and brother like that. What right does he have.

His face changed, he shot over to me and grabbed my hair i let out a scream. “You will never do that again.” He shot at me.  He sniffed me. “Mated?” He said “MATED” He screamed again. He moved my hair away from my neck. “Marked” He spat.  “Mated and marked” He got off the bed “Whore. I told you would be mine and none else’s. This will have to change.” He turned away and walked out the door.



Mind link.

Brandon?” I tried, i hope he hears. “Brandon” Please answer.

“Gray!” He shouted back. “Where are you, who are you with”

You’ve got to help me. Its Carl. He has me, locked in my old house. Where my parents died. Please  help me.” I pleaded.  I heard him grown in his head, he was mad.

im coming to get you.”  With that the mind link ended and the door flung open.

Carl came in with a needle. He had a tie with him and he walked over to me and smiled. “Well, my princess. You seem to have a MATE I can smell his disgusting scent on you.” He come over to me and tried the tie around my arm “This wont hurt. “ He shoved the needle in my arm “Your wont be able to talk anyone now. This will stop that. You will be mine. I will make you mine” He slammed the door shut.

What am i meant to do now? I couldn’t make contact with anyone. What was i meant to do. I sat there for what seemed like hours. Until i drifted off to sleep.

“Gray you have to wake up” A women said walking up to me, she looked like Damon, it couldn’t be my mum? Could it? “GRAY” She shouted my dream. “You need to listen to me carefully.” I nodded “What im going to say to you now is real, i know i may no longer be with you in the world down there but i am, real here, i can come see you any time. Im a dream traveller and always have been. It was power although, i didn’t look like a rare i was a rare. You power will come to you any day now you have mated. You must be careful. Carl, he is dangerous. You’ve been injected with a high toxin drug and i have come to warn you, Carl has wolfsbane. If you don’t comply he will kill you with it”

Her voice faded and the room went black. “Gray” A mans voice spoke The whole place was being violently shaking

“WHORE WAKE UP!” Carl shouted, i shot up. The ropes were gone. I could move.

“Whats happening? Why did you call me a whore “ I spat out the last bit.

“You mated. Your a whore. You  were meant to be mine. Not his!” This was wrong.

“You use to be like my uncle. Whatever happened to that? What happened to us being a family. YOU are no family of mine and I AM MOST DEFINETLY NOT YOURS YOU MOTHER FUCKER. I HAVE A MATE AND YOU ARE NOT HIM” I shouted he got me mad.

I could feel Cyria coming back to me.

“Arrrhhhh” I screamed as the liquid hit my face. Wolfsbane. My mother was right.

“There is more of that if you speak to me like that again” He paused and grabbed my hair. He brought me up to his face and sniffed my scent. “in 2 days i shall mark you and mate with you. We will have powerful pups” I began to cry. He threw me on to the bed and pinned me down and licked the mark that Brandon did. It burned like hell when he touched it. I heard a growl in my head.

Carl smirked and left.

Why haven’t you answered me. Were only 2 days away, were on foot it was too risky with cars” I missed his voice

You need to hurry he plans on marking me in 2 days” I spoke i knew he getting angry “i love you” Was the last thing i said before i had to cut it off cause Carl bounded into the room.  

“Get up” He said rather softly compared to how he normally spoke. I did as he said as i could see the wolfsbane he walked out the room and i followed him.

I remember these all too well, he walked down the stairs, everything was the same the only thing that changed is the fact there is no blood anymore everything was back to normal.

I could smell food. Spaghetti Bolognese. “I know you like it so i made it” He sounded so caring and kind but he isn’t instead he a old perverted git. He gestured for me to sit down which i did, not that i wanted to but i did. He passed me a knife and fork and slid a plate over with me full of food. I hadn’t eaten for a day. I shovelled it in with no thought. Once i had finished i moved it along and drank the water i had.

“Go in to the living room watch some telly or something. Im going somewhere. No point in running away cause everywhere is triggered” He spoke and went out the door.

Ok. This is weird. I walked through the door i remembered as the living room. Nothing had changed All the same pictures are there, ones of and Damon. Family photos everything. The walls were the same crème colour with green flowers, green furniture. It was a lovely house and i did miss it. I missed everything about here. This was the wrong memory to have to have.

I wanted to be out of here. Yet all i could do was cry and sit there. Feeling sorry for myself. I turned the telly on and let sleep consume me.

I just hope Brandon comes soon.

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