Chapter 16 - Happy Families

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“Cassy, Cassy” I cried. Today was the day that Brandon put paint in my hair. It wasn’t normal paint. No, not normal post mix pain but acrylic paint, it dries like plastic. Im nine tomorrow and now i have to get a new haircut unless Cassy could do something. You see, Cassy, she’s my cousin and a witch well not my real cousin but i love her like one. Its ACEEEEE!!! She does all these really cool thing with her hands but says really weird words at the same time she is lot older than me and yet still looks the same age as me. She is so beautiful, so, so pretty.

“Whats wrong sweetie” She orbed into my room, that made me smile. Then i remembered about my hair and pointed with a quick sniffle. “Brandon” She growled. She hated when he played tricks on me. She hated it even more that my own brother was part of the, i love Damon but he is a meany. She disappeared. I sat there and looked at my hair in the mirror. He couldn’t have chosen pink or purple.... Nope, he chose green. Now i look like something out of Shrek. I pulled, scratched at it but nope, no movement. It was all matted into a horrible mess. I waited a few hours before she came back.

“What took you so long” I said jumping off my bed and running to her, she opened her arms wide for me and took me in a warm embrace. We both smiled. “I love you Gray-bear” and i found sleep.

When i woke up my hair was back to normal colour and Cassy was gone. She left me on my birthday. I found a note.

                Dear Gray.

I know its your birthday but i have to leave. Ive got delete everything about you. You and your family. I cant tell you why, maybe one day. Just know after this letter it will disappear and you will hate me. Im sorry sweetie, i love you my little Gray-bear

                                                All my love



*back to reality*

I awake with a banging headache. I felt myself embraced in warm arms that sent tingles down my spine, then i remember last night. “You have 2 minutes to get the fuck off me or i swear down i shout my Uncle” I scratched at his arm. He sat up and looked at me.

“Baby ple—“ I cut him short.

“GET. OUT. NOW” I shouted. He opened his mouth and closed it again. He got  out of the bed and walked out of the room and slammed the door behind him. Hes mad? HES FUCKING MAD? I wasn’t the one sucking the face of someone i  most hated. I got out of bed, showered and dressed. I sniffed the air. She was still here.

I walked down the stairs, well not walked more like stomped down the stairs. When i smelt something even more familiar.


I dated threw the pack house and into the living room and there, before me. Something i only thought i could see in dreams. My Uncle. My Auntie and My Mate. Tied to chairs. I turned around when the door slammed shut and i was slammed into the wall. My head hit the floor. I got up and looked i know my eyes had changed colour. Then i caught my refection. They weren’t red, black or gold. They are purple. Purple?

Let me take over Cyria cried.


I blocked her out and realized i was floating. Fucking floating. Carl looked terrified and then i looked to Cassandra and she smiled and winked.What the hell?

Then i dropped to the floor and heard a rather loud smash. I stood up my eyes still purple but i noticed something that i didn't think i would see. Carl with blood on his face.  I mind linked the pack but they was already in a war. A war? I took one rather large sniff in the air and smelt rouges. Carl had brought rouges.

“What are you doing” I shouted at Cassandra

“Helping” She sounded sad

“I don’t need your help you bitch” She seemed taken back by hurt then realization hit her eyes and guilt spread across her face.

“It wasn’t meant like that” She said

“Then what was it cause it sure looked like something” I could feel my body shake my wolf wanted to get out and rip her pieces.

“I did it for Damon. Carl said he could get him to be with me but collette got in the way” She growled.

“Damon is dead” I spat. Her eyes snapped towards Carl who was no longer cowered on the floor in wolf form and had his teeth sinking into my Auntie's neck. My uncle was going mad in the chair he was tied to. I walked closer but he bit harder. Her eyes were watering and fluttering and i stepped forward and kept walking and when i got too close that was it. He ripped her throat out. 

She was gone. Dead, he snarled changed back to normal form and grabbed his clothes he smiled.

“Ill carry on” He threatened “Come with me they live” He flicked his head to Cassandra who was whispering to her self.


All my memories came flooding back



I know that this only short but i wanted to put that link in there between Cassandra and Gray. I have kinda messed up like in the paragraphs. I completely forgot that i had originally wrote that Cassandra was in love with Brandon and well Ive changed it now and she is in love with Damon but obviously he is dead. I shall change the other chapter Later. 

But please. Im stuck on whether to make a entire chapter about why Cassandra has to leave when she was younger but i have writers block now.... Please i beg.Give me ideas!!!1 

Thanks im loving all positive comments. 

But please do comment and message me with good ideas for a Cassandra chapter:) 

Nearly the end of the book thought. Hope you all like it :) 

Cheers Guysss!!!1

Peace out!!!

                                Jordieeeeee <3

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