Jungkook- Bully Pt. 3

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The last day had finally come. You quickly got up from your bed and rushed to the bathroom excitedly.

You entered the bathroom and looked at your face in the mirror. Your face wasn't spotless. You had pimples and acne here and there. You touched your face once and suddenly felt very uneasy. But you removed the bad thoughts away from your mind and freshened up for school.

At school~~

"Hi Y/N" Jungkook greeted you with a smile.

"Hi Jungkook" you greeted back.

"So? Are you excited for today?" he asked as he made his way to you.

"Uh.. Yea.. Kinda" you blushed.

"Kinda? Why?" he pouted and your heart skipped a beat.

"Haha.. Fine I'm very excited. But where are we going?"

"You want to know?"

"Of course I want to know Jungkook" you rolled your eyes playfully at him.

"It's a surprise. I can't tell you" he said and made his way past you.

He could hear you whining from behind and he chuckled.

You went to your classroom and Y/F/N waved excitedly at you from her seat. You smiled at her.

"Are you excited for today? Because I am." she chirped when you sat down beside her.

"Aish... You're so loud. Shut up" you glared at her although your cheeks had become red.

"Mhmm someone's blushing huh? Anyway, I'll be at your house at five in the evening. I'll make sure you look fabulous today" she winked at you and went back to whatever she was doing.

You can't wait for the surprise.

After school~

You came home tired at three in the afternoon. There were still two hours left for Y/F/N to come so you decided to catch up on a little bit of sleep.

You drifted off to sleep and soon you heard your phone ringing beside your bed. You groaned and took your phone from the drawer next to your bed. You opened one eye and checked the caller ID. It was Y/F/N. You checked the time and it was already five.

"I can't believe this. I just closed my eyes" you groaned again and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" you mumbled.

"What hello? Open the door God dammit! I've been ringing the door bell since the last fifteen minutes!" Y/F/N yelled at you.

"What? Oh man holy shit! I'm so sorry!! I'll be there in a minute" you said and hung up.

You ran down to the front door as fast as you could and opened the door. You greeted an angry Y/F/N with a smile.

"I'm sorry?" you apologized.

She rolled her eyes and came inside your house "You're forgiven this time"

"Now hurry up. We need to get you dressed up" she said as she ran upstairs to your room.

You followed after her.

"hmm not bad, not bad" Y/F/N said as she scanned your room "here. I've got you this dress" she said as she took out a black dress from her bag. You stared at it in awe.

"how'd you like it?" she asked.

"oh my God! It's beautiful" you beamed.

Some time later

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