Chapter Eight

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-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

So... Sleepy... Stop it... Phone... Stop making noise...

Wait! That's my alarm!

Quickly, I sat up, to realize that the alarm had been going off for 20 minutes! Ah!

I scrambled out of bed, got dressed, and ate breakfast.

Luckily for me, I was able to get completely ready with five minutes to spare.

Once I was ready, and sure I had everything that I needed, I headed out of the house, and headed for school.

About 15 minutes later, I arrived at school. Yep, it's a 15-minute walk of torture to school... Yay...

Upon arriving at school, I headed to my locker, got what I needed, and practically skipped to gym. When I arrived at the locker room, I got changed into my gym clothes.

After doing that, I headed into the gym, where I saw Gladion walking around the gym.

Gathering up all my courage, I walked up to Gladion.

"Hey." I casually said.

Gladion looked at me, before sighing.

"What do you want this time?" Gladion asked, sounding very annoyed.

Ouch! Quite harsh, don't you think?

"Well... I was just wanting to hang out with you, if that's fine with you. After all, we're friends... Right?" I asked.

"I don't quite see your reasonings, since we're not friends." Gladion said, in a harsh yet calm manner.

Double ouch!

"Well, if we aren't friends yet, then I guess I'll just have to hang out with you until we are friends." I said with total confidence.

"I'd like to see you try." Gladion smugly said.

Is that a challenge emo-boy?! Game on!

Music then started playing, and people started to run for our running warm-up.

Gladion quickly started running... I was left behind... He is fast!

I tried to catch up, but because I have a very weak body, I didn't stand a chance.

... This is going to be harder than I thought...


No matter what I tried to do, or whatever approach I attempted, Gladion kept avoiding me all of gym class.

It was quite irritating and frustrating...

Soon enough, gym class ended, and we all headed to our respectful locker rooms to get changed back into our regular clothes.

As I was changing, I realized something. I only have two classes with Gladion (three if you include lunch).

Just great! This is extremely inconvenient! How will I make Gladion my friend now!?

Okay, let's try to think about the bright side; you'll still get to see Gladion two more times, so let's not frown just yet.


Finally! It's lunch time! Let's find Gladion, and befriend him!

Wait a second. Let's think for a moment. Do I really want Gladion as my friend?

Who am I kidding? Of course I want him as a friend! He's the first person to do something nice for me, aside from my mother... Plus... He is pretty good-looking...

Anyway, let's find Gladion!

So, I searched around for Gladion... To no avail. I couldn't find him anywhere!

... Just where could he have gone...?

I continued my search, to finally find him outside, eating all by himself.

Gathering all of my courage, I boldly walked up to Gladion.

"Hello again." I said, as I sat down next to Gladion.

Gladion only sighed.

"What do you want, (y/n)?" Gladion asked.

"Well, first off, I want to see how you're doing. Second off, neither one of us has someone to eat lunch with, so I thought that we could eat lunch together..." My voice trailed off.

"I was doing fine, thank you. And second off, I do have people I could sit with, I'm just choosing not to." Gladion said.

"Oh, I see..." I said, unable to hide my sadness.

"(y/n), why do you continue to pester me? Can't you see that I want to be left alone in peace?" Gladion asked me.

"Well, I feel like we could be really good friends. Plus, I want to make it up to you for helping me back there the other day." I explained.

"You can make it up to me by leaving me alone." Gladion harshly said.

"Okay... I'll just leave then..." I said with a frown, before standing up, and leaving Gladion.

... Maybe we aren't meant to be friends after all...

-Gladion's P.O.V-

Finally, that bothersome weakling is gone. Yet, I can't help but feel sorry for the weakling. I mean, I joined Team Skull so I could get stronger; because weakness is something that I cannot tolerate... Especially in myself.

Despite wanting nothing to do with her, I feel like it's my job; my duty to help (y/n) become stronger. Or, at the very least, to protect her. Even though I see a lot of negativity to this, the few positives are what are convincing me to do this.

Well, I guess this means I'll have to become f...friends with (y/n). Bleh, I hate the very thought of it. But, it cannot be helped.

Oh look, it seems like lunch's over. Might as well head inside, so I'm not late to my next class.

Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

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