Chapter Twenty-Eight

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-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

When I finally entered the gym, I had already missed warm-ups, and they were playing soccer.

I would've been in there sooner, but I had to wait for my tears to calm down, and have my face not look like a sobbing mess.

I was hoping that no one would notice me, but sadly, the gym teacher saw me, and put me on one of the teams.

Seriously!? I'm in crutches! What are you thinking?!

As the game progressed, I became closer and closer to the wall, away from the game.

At the end of the game, I was practically clinging onto the wall, having prayed that the ball would not come towards me.

And I never came.

While I had been being a wallflower, I noticed that Gladion had been one of the best contenders on his team.

... I never knew that Gladion was so athletic...

After gym ended, as I was heading back to the girl's locker room, Gladion walked up to me.

"Hey. Why were you late to gym?" Gladion asked.

"Uh... I couldn't move a fast with my crutches?" I questioned, more than stated.

Gladion raised an eyebrow.

"If you say so. See you at lunch?" Gladion asked.

"Sure. At our normal spot?" I questioned.

"Of course. See you then." Gladion said, before walking away.

I then walked into the locker room, to get my things, as well as change back to my normal clothes.

... Maybe today won't be so bad after all...

-Gladion's P.O.V-

I know that there's a different reason why (y/n) was late. I hope she's doing okay... Maybe I'll ask her about it at lunch.

... But I still only think of (y/n) as just a friend. Nothing more!

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